How do you select your Amazon reviewers?


Oct 27, 2014
Writing a book is one thing, avoiding mistakes in the fledgling stages is something else altogether. After going through a long list of SFF Amazon reviewers, I'm no closer to selecting a few than if I pinned their names to my dart board and closed my eyes. This is the first time I'm doing this and I would like to strike a balance between the right fit and not selecting a reviewer who is too biased to my style or genre. I decided to crowd source this question to the wisdom of the crowd. All replies appreciated, replies from experience doubly so. This is my first rodeo, I really don't want to ride the wrong bronco.
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Welcome to SFFChronicles::

Strange question in one respect; I have not considered the picking reviewer thing in a while.

Sometimes it's best to let the reviewers pick you.

But if you do pick there are a number of web offerings, some free and some paid for, that will claim to give unbiased reviews. The more you pay the less confident you might want to be that it's unbiased. I suppose that you could just randomly look as you have and poke a few people when possible. I have had a few people ask me to do a review on that basis.

Seems like there was a website that had a listing of bloggers who accept submissions for self-published authors. It has the Genre and requirements listed.
Also there are some groups in goodreads that have several reviewers and you could attempt that route.
That said there are some individuals in goodreads that you would like to steer clear of.

I have had people choose me because I do do reviews and in one case I had similar likes in authors; while another seemed to have located me through my website though I'm not sure what drove them in that direction.

Anyway; too many 5 star reviews for a new author always looks suspicious so you might hope that the opinions are varied and honest.

It's difficult to say which is the best approach-soliciting reviews or letting the cards fall where they may. After all once you publish it's assumed that it's up for review.

What Genre are you writing for?
Sci Fi Adventure. Loads of martial arts, a lot of the action based here on Terra firma, with parts on other worlds. Thanks for the tips man, you pretty much summed up the direction I should take.
I've gone through that list. It is great, but be aware (as well as genre preferences) a number are in abeyance. It's still well worth checking out, though.
You have to have "unpaid for" reviews on Amazon.

I am in the stage of sending out my ebook for review, and I trawled the internet for reviewers. TinkerDan's previous post on IndieReviewer was the best. I searched on SciFi and then started looking at their "submission guidelines". Here are the ones that are SciFi and Accepting Unsolicited requests. Word of warning - - they all tend to say that they get many more requests than they have time to fill.

IndieReview users (to search on)

John Swenson
Merrill R. (Rick) Chapman
Hungry Monster
H.C. Dallis
Danielle Forrest
Jacqueline Driggers
Sunday S. Smith
Alexander Crommich
Garrett Robinson
Seirra Poirier
unorthodox Mama
Becca Mills
Sabrina Sumsion
Tome Keeper

good luck

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