5.06: The Walking Dead - Consumed


weaver of the unseen
Aug 21, 2007
Cautiously, members of our group must venture into a familiar location on a heroic rescue mission. It's a huge stage, but so are the stakes.

Episode 6 "Consumed"
Enjoyed the opening montage of what happened to Carol last season. Definitely wasn't expecting Noah to get the drop on Daryl and Carol like that. The van scene was tense and I was shocked they decided to go over the edge in it. The falling zombies made me laugh.
I still feel upset about people saying back in the days that the characters like Carol were weak and shouldn't have been included in the staff. The truth is everyone of them has been weak one way or another. There's no doubt about that, when in the real life, everyone are similarly vulnerable. In Carol's case someone could claim her fault was to born woman and therefore she should stay weak, but you listen Bad Blood by Alison Mosshart and Eric Arjes and watch her life in several flashbacks, and you get a feeling that she wants to move on and leave all bad things behind. It's almost as if she wants to get rid off memories but she cannot. At least not without some sort of amnesia.

But then again - without spoiling the episode - you might also get a feeling that the producers also read these threads and decided to show the audience how wrong they were, when they slacked off someonem who in the future was going to climb to the prestigious "badass" pedestal next to Daryl. So, in my case, it was really, really interesting to watch them two surviving in a city they'd left behind in order to find one lost sheep.

However what bugged me in this episode was Noah: Why he had to limp across half city to commit his "heist"? Were there no weapons nearer to the hospital?

I'm pretty sure that there are plenty of things in the Atlanta that hasn't been picked up already. After all it had CDC, which lawn was last time littered with abandoned weapons, plus if the survivors really wanted, they could had checked out any one of them tanks to find out that they probably hadn't used all their ammunition before or after the Authorities decided to napalm the place. And even if they'dm it's not like Atlanta sized place doesn't have gun sellers or places that stock up with reloading gear.

The dead simply cannot be using them as ransom, because it's not like the dead could really understand the value of certain items, when the only value item is fresh flesh. More better. And if you draw a conclusion on that fact to the hoard you saw in the last episode, you might as well be thinking that some of those might have come from Atlanta. In fact, the streets of Atlanta look more and less as if they're free from the biters. Just some lurkers hide in the housing projects, where they're trapped forever, just like the mud-zombie - which took a bite off Meghan - was back in the day when the Governor was alive. In fact, I could claim that in the zombie world the opportunity makes you king-of-the-day even if everything else looks same old, same old.

Without spoiling any more, I look forward to this gigantic diversion spinning off in last two remaining episodes for this half of the season.
This was a good episode even if not much happened in terms of moving the plot forward. But it was great to focus on Daryl and Carol (pandering to the fanbase perhaps!)..

The scenes in the bridge were cool, good to see that there's no shortage of "new" zombie scenarios. Looks like these guys were shot as they slept in their sleeping bags and couldn't get out. Did anyone notice the "help" banner hanging from the window of the high-rise opposite?

Didn't like the way the super-savvy Carol passed her gun through the door then squeezed through backwards into a space where the dead were still present (if perhaps contained). This was clearly a plot contrivance for Noah to get the jump on them. Carol looked to be aiming low when Daryl prevented her from shooting him, yet Daryl was the one who was then willing to leave him pinned under the bookcase.

The theme of smoke/fire was heavy in this episode, and I like the way showrunner Scott Gimple is hanging episodes round a theme, as well as the larger theme about how people can do what need to be done, but retain their humanity. Can't wait for next week's mid-season finale and the inevitable showdown at the hospital.

The swan-dive off the overpass was pretty ridiculous, that van couldn't really have done a full flip to land on its wheels with all the weight being in the front! But Carol came out of it with a pretty serious injury that she needs a hospital to help fix! Not to mention getting run over by the only car in the whole city!! The city did seem really deserted, compared to the vast hordes that Rick and co encountered in season 1. But the way they all started coming out of the side streets after dark was pretty spooky.
Didn't like the way the super-savvy Carol passed her gun through the door then squeezed through backwards into a space where the dead were still present (if perhaps contained).

I know. They've build Carol up pretty well, but there are little details that just cannot escape attention of those who knows or have experience in similar kind of situations. I would have even thought they would had picked the locks instead of leaving the chain hanging in the door, or even chosen another way to get out from the house in order to maximise chances of finding nice loot. And what bugged me second most was their ignorance when it came to the water dispenser as it would had been more valuable than many other things. Instead, Carol filled canteen, took a sip and then passed it Daryl, who also took a sip and then off they went without topping the canteen again.

This was clearly a plot contrivance for Noah to get the jump on them. Carol looked to be aiming low when Daryl prevented her from shooting him, yet Daryl was the one who was then willing to leave him pinned under the bookcase.

Exactly. It was clearly a plot driven point rather than using a logic, but we both know that it's not the first time when fanbase has caught Mr Kirkman and his colleagues something that is completely opposite to what could had happened in reality.

Can't wait for next week's mid-season finale and the inevitable showdown at the hospital.

Mid-season finale is in two weeks time!
Mid-season finale is in two weeks time!
Ah great, 2 episodes to watch! :)
And what bugged me second most was their ignorance when it came to the water dispenser as it would had been more valuable than many other things. Instead, Carol filled canteen, took a sip and then passed it Daryl, who also took a sip and then off they went without topping the canteen again.
Yes this was a big one - that much clean filtered water would be the most vital thing to grab/decant as much as humanly possible. They did it in s2 as well with the whole truck full of water bottles that Shane took a quick shower in, then left..
