Agents of Shield S117 - Turn, Turn, Turn

Brian G Turner

Fantasist & Futurist
Staff member
Nov 23, 2002
Synopsis from wiki:
Garrett's jet is attacked by S.H.I.E.L.D. drones after the Bus is hijacked, and he rejoins the team. At the Hub, Simmons and Triplett begin working together to secretly upload Simmons's research on Skye's blood, only for a Hydra assault on all S.H.I.E.L.D. facilities to force them into hiding. Coulson locks May up in the interrogation room with Ward, still believing she is the traitor. Skye discovers a secret code in a signal on S.H.I.E.L.D.'s network that she deciphers to reveal Hydra's infiltration. When the Bus arrives at the Hub, the group splits into teams to capture Victoria Hand, whom they believe is the Clairvoyant. However, Hand reveals that she is not a member of Hydra but believes that Coulson is, and recruits Triplett and Simmons to aid her in stopping Hydra. Garrett accidentally discloses information that unwittingly reveals himself as the true Clairvoyant, and is captured by Coulson and May. Afterward, Ward accompanies Hand to the Fridge so he can see to Garrett's imprisonment personally, however in transit, he kills Hand and her agents, freeing Garrett and revealing his own allegiance to Hydra.

Another stunning episode, that actually left me a little dizzy with all the turns!

At first it appeared that Agent Hand was the Clairvoyant, but that soon turned around. May claimed to be working for Fury, as expected.

Unfortunately, I also expected the ending with Agent Ward - thanks to Wikipedia describing him as a HYDRA agent in the first line of his bio, which shows up on Google. Thanks for the spoilers, Wikipedia. Still, until the end, I dared to think that I'd read it wrong...

A great episode that ties up with Captain America: The Winter Soldier.

The only slight confusion was how the Clairvoyant related to HYDRA - presumably, the Clairvoyant was simply a side project of the latter.

The only question is - what on earth happens now??
You don't really want us to tell you, do you?

But I'll venture to say that I think you'll like whatever it/they is/are.
After such a build-up of tension, and such a climax, I'm simply thinking aloud of what's left to come. I'm already breathless.

But, indeed, I'd like to wait and see. :)

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