Looking for specific story


New Member
Jan 30, 2015
I'm looking for a story (almost entirely certain it's a short story by Asimov) in which two characters need to choose which one of them will volunteer to do something (I assume it's dangerous) and then one suggests the first to compute a certain mathematical power will go (he then immediately answers because he already calculated it before).
If anyone remembers from what story that is I will be really grateful.
This is Runaround:
“Hold on, Greg. There are human rules of behavior, too. You don’t go out there just like that. Figure out a lottery, and give me my chance.”

“All right. First to get the cube of fourteen goes.” And almost immediately, “Twenty-seven forty-four!”

Donovan felt his robot stagger at a sudden push by Powell’s mount and then Powell was off into the sunlight. Donovan opened his mouth to shout, and then clicked it shut. Of course, the damn fool had worked out the cube of fourteen in advance, and on purpose. Just like him.
Wow, thanks a lot.
I tried for a long time to try to search it in my kindle but didn't get the exact term.

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