Lem short story? Trapped in cuckoo clock


Feb 1, 2015
I think I remember this from a Stanislaw Lem short story (or could it have been an extended "quote" from one of his imaginary book reviews?). I can't find mention of it on the net though. I also have a feeling it was one of his books involving Ijon Tichy, but as with any of these remembered details, that could be wrong.

As I recall it, some sort of mad scientist figure imprisons a copy of the mind of an academic rival in a cuckoo clock. He is condemned to have no connection with the outside world except for the few seconds every hour when the cuckoo pops out to announce the time. The story is told from the perspective of a visitor (Tichy?).

Conceivably I might have Lem mixed up with some other author. Philip Dick? Somebody else??

Which book am I thinking of?

Philip K. Dick has one called Beyond the Door which is about a cuckoo clock but it seems like that clock was having an affair with the mans wife and eventually causes the man to have an accident.

So maybe Stanislaw also has a cuckoo story.

The Star Diaries (published New York, 1976) and Memoirs of a Space Traveller have all the Ijon Tichy stories.
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Philip K. Dick has one called Beyond the Door which is about a cuckoo clock but it seems like that clock was having an affair with the mans wife and eventually causes the man to have an accident.

So maybe Stanislaw also has a cuckoo story.
Definitely not that one but worth a try, thanks!

I think the story wasn't actually about the clock and its occupant, that was just a vignette in a larger short story, chapter, or as I say perhaps from one of his collections of reviews of imaginary books - maybe a quote, or commentary from the reviewer. I think the story was about the mad scientist character, who was showing the narrator around his secret laboratory.

The occupant of the clock was unwilling and most displeased to find himself there. Actually now that I think again, I believe I recall he was only conscious during the seconds when the clock struck, and was newly outraged and horrified at his predicament every time.
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Another of the things I recall from the same story, or the same book:

The mad scientist character has created some rather alien form of artificial life. He has kept it imprisoned, but it is getting more intelligent and is in danger of getting the upper hand.

This part may have been the subject of the story, I can't remember...

Again please take with a grain of salt since my memory from over 20 years ago may be faulty!

98.5% sure it was short stories or similar, not a novel. 75% on it being Lem. No idea which book!
That could be Golem XIV by Stanislaw Lem
But he was interested in AI and wrote several in the fake book review shorts.

Non Serviam is another with an AI.(out of Perfect Vacuum)
The Star Diaries (published New York, 1976) and Memoirs of a Space Traveller have all the Ijon Tichy stories.
Aha, it is indeed Memoirs of a Space Traveller: the story "Doctor Diagoras" (confirmed via Google Books, though the relevant pages are omitted).


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