Westeros forums unavailable/down?

I tried to access the site via google and eventually received a graphic showing the server unavailable and a comment that I should try again in a few minutes time.

EDIT: To be more specific, I get an "Error 524: a timeout occurred" -- I'll set aside the poor language; surely a timeout has expired, not 'occurred' -- followed by the graphic, which shows

You (Browser) "Working", London (CloudFlare) "Working" and asoiaf.westeros.org (Host) "Error".
After that, it says:
What happened? The origin web server timed out responding to this request.

If you're a visitor of this website: Please try again in a few minutes.
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A 500 basically means permissions are screwy. I did then get a 503 - service unavailable - but now I'm just getting a graphic about Cloudflare hosting not working properly.
They've posted an announcement about problems with the database:

For reasons we don't understand just yet, the database keeps crashing at random occasions, hence the intermittent downtime we've been having of late despite efforts to mitigate the issues by pruning the forum and optimizing tables.

We are working on it, and apologize for any inconvenience in the interim.

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