Awesome Octopi

There was Animal planet documentary The Future is wild which speculated on what life would b like millions of years hence and one of the extrapolations was the the Octopus might become not only land dwelling but the dominant intelligence on Earth.:)
When I was in the National Sea Life Centre a few years ago, Freddie the Octopus was busy decorating the christmas tree in his tank, prompting me to ask a few questions about them.

The nice attendant, who was also apparently a marine biology PhD student told me that part of the license to keep octopi is that they are obligated to keep them entertained and play with them for at least an hour a day.

More interestingly, she said that by some measures they are the second most intelligent creatures on the planet (I forget the sub species she referred to exactly) and that the reason why they are not considered as intelligent as say dolphins or chimps is the sad fact they only live a couple of years and thus don't gain experience.

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