So, Reese is dead then? Those car headlights were just the Moon again. What? You didn't realise? 
Great to see Carter again, even if Reese's back story and emotional state of mind has been raked over so many times I'm falling asleep. He's a troubled superhero with a past. I get it!
When did you realise that it wasn't a flashback? There was no year/date counter thingy when it was it was first shown, but I missed that.
But it could still have been a memory, right? It was when Carter said about Reese being able to fool his Police shrink that I realised it couldn't be real. I didn't realise it was a hallucination though. Very clever, and makes up for some recent episodes.
A good title too - Terra Incognita "unknown land" - with Reese making new ground in fresh territory; speaking about subjects he had kept to himself, but also maybe a play on the cartographers "Here be dragons" within his psychological journey.
A much slower episode. The cases were unimportant. No part of the Samaritan story progressed at all this week, which was disappointing, but probably because there is going to be a huge Season finale. Reese may not be dead, but I can't see he will be taking much part. An injury like that with so much blood loss would take months to heal.
I'd like to have seen more of Root and the Operation Wedding Dress.
Great to see Carter again, even if Reese's back story and emotional state of mind has been raked over so many times I'm falling asleep. He's a troubled superhero with a past. I get it!
When did you realise that it wasn't a flashback? There was no year/date counter thingy when it was it was first shown, but I missed that.
But it could still have been a memory, right? It was when Carter said about Reese being able to fool his Police shrink that I realised it couldn't be real. I didn't realise it was a hallucination though. Very clever, and makes up for some recent episodes.
A good title too - Terra Incognita "unknown land" - with Reese making new ground in fresh territory; speaking about subjects he had kept to himself, but also maybe a play on the cartographers "Here be dragons" within his psychological journey.
A much slower episode. The cases were unimportant. No part of the Samaritan story progressed at all this week, which was disappointing, but probably because there is going to be a huge Season finale. Reese may not be dead, but I can't see he will be taking much part. An injury like that with so much blood loss would take months to heal.
I'd like to have seen more of Root and the Operation Wedding Dress.