POI: 4.20: Terra Incognita


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Staff member
Jan 5, 2001
Way on Down South, London Town
So, Reese is dead then? Those car headlights were just the Moon again. What? You didn't realise? :whistle:

Great to see Carter again, even if Reese's back story and emotional state of mind has been raked over so many times I'm falling asleep. He's a troubled superhero with a past. I get it!

When did you realise that it wasn't a flashback? There was no year/date counter thingy when it was it was first shown, but I missed that.

But it could still have been a memory, right? It was when Carter said about Reese being able to fool his Police shrink that I realised it couldn't be real. I didn't realise it was a hallucination though. Very clever, and makes up for some recent episodes.

A good title too - Terra Incognita "unknown land" - with Reese making new ground in fresh territory; speaking about subjects he had kept to himself, but also maybe a play on the cartographers "Here be dragons" within his psychological journey.

A much slower episode. The cases were unimportant. No part of the Samaritan story progressed at all this week, which was disappointing, but probably because there is going to be a huge Season finale. Reese may not be dead, but I can't see he will be taking much part. An injury like that with so much blood loss would take months to heal.

I'd like to have seen more of Root and the Operation Wedding Dress.
So, Reese is dead then? Those car headlights were just the Moon again. What? You didn't realise?
I've got to admit that I thought, for a moment, that this was Reese's swan song episode, but when he looked for Carter, she was gone. Hallucination over.

I do wonder who was behind those headlights. Root and “Harry” or just a someone who happened to be driving in the middle of nowhere. I was also thinking, shouldn't two other vehicles have been parked at the cabin?

I totally bought the stakeout scenes as flashback, although I did backtrack to see if I'd missed the timeline graphic to see what year it was. When I didn't find it, I still did not think it was all in Reese's mind. Duh.

An interesting, character-building look into the tortured, guilt-ridden soul of Reese, but I also would have liked to see a little more time devoted to the wedding dress caper or the main storyline.
....He's a troubled superhero with a past. I get it!....When did you realise that it wasn't a flashback?....But it could still have been a memory, right? It was when Carter said about Reese being able to fool his Police shrink that I realised it couldn't be real....Very clever, and makes up for some recent episodes.

Agreed about the "troubled - get it" thing. As far as the flashback vs. hallucination, y'know, I'm not actually sure. I think I might have even zoned on the shrink reference. I may have only noticed when she started talking about how he never told her those things. :oops: This episode makes, to me, a cardinal error - and not for the first time - of being about Reese dying when I just don't buy that he will. But, allowing for that, it was pretty well done and interesting and was better than some recently. But the best way for the show to go would probably be to get bigger and into the main line rather than smaller and rehashing the past and having small cases-of-the-week. 'Bout time for an Elias ep, too. There was a reference - was it this ep or the last? - but no actual sign.

I'd like to have seen more of Root and the Operation Wedding Dress.


I do wonder who was behind those headlights. Root and “Harry” or just a someone who happened to be driving in the middle of nowhere. I was also thinking, shouldn't two other vehicles have been parked at the cabin?

Good point. But I also wondered that - I figured Finch, but it could also be Fusco or, as you say, random stranger.
'Bout time for an Elias ep, too. There was a reference - was it this ep or the last? - but no actual sign.
I thought I saw the actors name in the credits at the start, but I've just remembered that because I had expected to see him somewhere. Maybe a scene was filmed but cut out in the editing.

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