I don't have much to say on this other than that it was definitely complicated, action-packed, and interesting. I liked it.
And, yeah, in TV terms, Cal seems like he could be redeemable - more than Ward anyway, for Pete's sake.
Maybe my favorite line was where Skye was going past the door and I had time to play "Daisy Johnson" in my head and then she said it aloud. "Daisy Johnson. Huh."

(I hope she keeps "Skye" though - she was born Daisy Johnson and that's important but she IS Skye.)
This show definitely started slow but had long ago improved - but I was still ambivalent about it. It really seems to have found a new gear recently, though, and seems to have cemented itself in my schedule. I'll probably jinx it by complimenting them on it but it's important for a show to be able to
shake stuff up without
screwing it up (e.g., Grimm and Flash have shown no signs of being able to do this) and Shield has done pretty well at it.