Flannery O'Connor: "A Good Man Is Hard to Find," Wise Blood, and more


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2010

Come forth, readers of this amazing author.


We know you are out there.
That is excellent news!!!

Like Wallace Stegner I think Flannery O'Connor does not receive the level of recognition she deserves. This is just a general sense from me. Not living in the US I know I'm however correct about Stegner (through correspondence and other avenues) but less sure with O'Connor and the sentiment 'on the ground' as it were?

I've loved the stories I've so far read in the collection I have.
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Flannery O'Connor seems often to be mentioned, but I'm not sure that she really is widely read, especially in her work other than "A Good Man" and perhaps one or two others. As a woman writer who was not a feminist she is probably subconsciously dismissed by many academics when they assign reading selections to their students. "Diversity" is working against real diversity in the American university.

I've recognized Stegner's name for many years, but not read him yet.
I've recognized Stegner's name for many years, but not read him yet.
Do yourself a favour and source a copy of his novel Crossing to Safety. Angle of Repose is also a worthwhile read. Stegner, like O'Connor - in my opinion - is a master of the short story. Criminally underrated is his own country.
Gollum, would you care to start a subforum on Stegner?

I have laid out some summertime reading ideas already, but maybe I should try the novel you suggest.
Went to the post office today, hoping to get a sheet of the O'Connor commemoratives....no luck. A good stamp is hard to find.
Did get some of the O'Connor stamps. They're too good to just save away in a dark drawer somewhere. I'm using 'em as I get the chance.

I've just reread Wise Blood.

I have this book of her i have bought mostly to read her famous short stories like , A Good Man Is Hard to Find and other stories of her. I havent read it yet, the only story of her i have read in some anthology i cant remember the story but remembering liking the style, atmosphere of the story.

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