rare book looking for more information


New Member
May 3, 2015
I recently found a book that seems to be very rare. So rare, that I cant find any information on it, besides it exists in a total of 3 libraries.

The book is called 'The Inhabitants of Mars, their Manners and Advancements in Civilization and their Opinion of Us' by Professor W. Mitchell. It was written in 1895

I took it to the rare book room in Powells, and they couldn't find anything on it either, but immediately became interested in it.

Any help? Has anyone heard of this?
Might have this somewhere, will have a look. Of course, Martians opinions of us have changed a bit since then. They used to allow tourists, but then we got cellphones, and they can't stand the new music either.
You might inquire with Bob Brown of Bob Browns Books in Seattle or L.W. Currey in New York. They have extensive reference books and specialized knowledge in the SF&F fields. They can at least ballpark the valuation.

The SFE link is out of the Encyclopedia of Science Fiction by Clute and Nichols from the 80's edition. They go on to speak about his other titles such as, "The Case of George Deadlow" 1866, Little Stories 1903, and Dr. North and His Friends 1900.
Mitchell was a physician and Neurologist with more than 172 papers on neurophysiology. - per Clute and Nichols. 1995
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