Agents of SHIELD 2:22/23 S.O.S.


Registered Alien
May 27, 2013
Oops! Make that 2:21 S.O.S.

Holy murderous, life-sucking Mother of Vengeance!

Jiaying's willingness to do whatever it took to destroy SHIELD and protect her own, including snuffing her own daughter, was, for lack of a better term, inhuman. Mac put it best after Jiaying had dispatched her first batch of agents: “And I though my mom was bad when she started watching Fox News.”

Crazy Cal, with his rendition of Bicycle Built for Two, was in fine form, even after his “transformation.” Monster Cal seemed to be some sort of hybrid combination of the Hulk, Mr. Hyde and Quasimodo. He had the limp. If only they had given him a hump.

Cal might do well as a veterinarian. It would be a shame if he doesn't regain his memory next season and make a return appearance.

Raina goes into the Afterlife afterlife, courtesy of Jiaying. Raina's last conversation with Skye had indicated that she saw her demise coming, so why didn't she do something about it? Raina never seemed like the self-sacrificing type, even is she saw herself as an angel.

Coulson entered the elite One-Handed Man Club, joining such noteworthy members as Jaime Lancaster and Luke Skywalker Will the alien serum he was given to achieve his resurrection enable him to grow a new appendage?

The moments between Fitz and Simmons led me to believe that Fitz was the one heading for extinction. I was surprised when Simmons was pulled into Kree weapon. Can't be a good thing.

A sobering anti-pollution message was delivered as the Inhuman crystals that were aboard the Quinjet that Skye knocked overboard entered the ocean ecosystem. I think I'll stop taking fish oil.
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Also on tap for next season: Can Ward, as Hydra's new self-appointed head, find enough nogoodniks to revive the organization? Furthermore, can he legitimately use the name (assuming that he is not infringing on a registered Trademark) if the new Hydra has only one head?;)
Also on tap for next season: Can Ward, as Hydra's new self-appointed head, find enough nogoodniks to revive the organization? Furthermore, can he legitimately use the name (assuming that he is not infringing on a registered Trademark) if the new Hydra has only one head?;)

Ward is screw up , everything he touches he ruins and deep down he knows it.
Oops! Make that 2:21 S.O.S.

Holy murderous, life-sucking Mother of Vengeance!

Jiaying's willingness to do whatever it took to destroy SHIELD and protect her own, including snuffing her own daughter, was, for lack of a better term, inhuman. Mac put it best after Jiaying had dispatched her first batch of agents: “And I though my mom was bad when she started watching Fox News.”

Crazy Cal, with his rendition of Bicycle Built for Two, was in fine form, even after his “transformation.” Monster Cal seemed to be some sort of hybrid combination of the Hulk, Mr. Hyde and Quasimodo. He had the limp. If only they had given him a hump.

Cal might do well as a veterinarian. It would be a shame if he doesn't regain his memory next season and make a return appearance.

Raina goes into the Afterlife afterlife, courtesy of Jiaying. Raina's last conversation with Skye had indicated that she saw her demise coming, so why didn't she do something about it? Raina never seemed like the self-sacrificing type, even is she saw herself as an angel.

Coulson entered the elite One-Handed Man Club, joining such noteworthy members as Jaime Lancaster and Luke Skywalker Will the alien serum he was given to achieve his resurrection enable him to grow a new appendage?

The moments between Fitz and Simmons led me to believe that Fitz was the one heading for extinction. I was surprised when Simmons was pulled into Kree weapon. Can't be a good thing.

A sobering anti-pollution message was delivered as the Inhuman crystals that were aboard the Quinjet that Skye knocked overboard entered the ocean ecosystem. I think I'll stop taking fish oil.

Simmons wanted to see the Cree weapon close up and she got her wish.:D
Great double episode, and as usual lots of nice one-liners. This was a cool roller-coaster of an episode, and I'm glad to see that finally Simmons will get a proper arc of her own, even if it needs a Kree weapon to get her there!

Everyone else seems to have had a character growth arc, and even though they tried to introduce 'dark side Gemma' this season I still felt they hadn't gone far enough with her.
I'm glad to see that finally Simmons will get a proper arc of her own, even if it needs a Kree weapon to get her there!

Everyone else seems to have had a character growth arc, and even though they tried to introduce 'dark side Gemma' this season I still felt they hadn't gone far enough with her.

It must be dark, indeed, inside that weapon. I'm wondering, beyond getting Simmons out of the thing, if the experience will have some sort of permanent mutational effect on her.
I'm wondering, beyond getting Simmons out of the thing, if the experience will have some sort of permanent mutational effect on her.

"There is no Gemma only Zuul..." ;)

The inhumans mentioned that the artifact could mean the destruction of their kind. So I'm wondering wether it isn't a portal of some sort, something that would alert the Kree to the inhumans that they were supposed to have wiped out? Maybe Simmons has been transported somewhere...
"There is no Gemma only Zuul..." ;)

The inhumans mentioned that the artifact could mean the destruction of their kind. So I'm wondering wether it isn't a portal of some sort, something that would alert the Kree to the inhumans that they were supposed to have wiped out? Maybe Simmons has been transported somewhere...
Who she gonna call?
What if Gemma is changed? How will she react to being studied and having to be placed on a list with others of her kind. Coulson should go see Stark for a replacement arm. "Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. We have the technology." Tony cold give him a discount off of the 6 million dollar cost.
Coulson should go see Stark for a replacement arm. "Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. We have the technology." Tony cold give him a discount off of the 6 million dollar cost.
Imagine what inflation has done to Col. Steve Austin's $6 million price tag since 1973. The renovation costs had apparently shot up so much only 3 years later that Jamie Sommers became a priceless “Bionic Woman.”;)

If Coulson gets a new hand, I'm thinking that we're conservatively looking at a $1 billion project -- probably plagued by years of delays and cost overruns. SHIELD would do better to bypass Stark Industries and tap into a little more of that alien technology.:)
Imagine what inflation has done to Col. Steve Austin's $6 million price tag since 1973. The renovation costs had apparently shot up so much only 3 years later that Jamie Sommers became a priceless “Bionic Woman.”;)

If Coulson gets a new hand, I'm thinking that we're conservatively looking at a $1 billion project -- probably plagued by years of delays and cost overruns. SHIELD would do better to bypass Stark Industries and tap into a little more of that alien technology.:)
Inflation doesn't go the same for technology. Look at the price of a laptop or led tv compared to 5 or 15 years ago. I'm sure Coulson could get a new arm for as little as 1 million dollars.

Inflation doesn't go the same for technology. Look at the price of a laptop or led tv compared to 5 or 15 years ago. I'm sure Coulson could get a new arm for as little as 1 million dollars.
Good point. I guess the price won't matter when Coulson discovers that he can grow a new hand or any other appendage he needs.
That was quite the season finale!

Coulson - that was dramatic!

Skye's father - sad but poignant end for such a great character.

And Skye leading the Inhumans? Intriguing.

Ward. :)

But then...Gemma!

Brilliant season.

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