Culture NI, no less. Very swish.
And, bless, a link to chrons.
So amazing how much attention you've gained in such a short time. I bet you're very excited.
Wow, it looks like your efforts are really paying off. Good work, Jo!
My house is, shall we say, lived in (I have a youngish family and spend time I should be doing housework writing
That's amazing. Can I be your butler?
Well, that would be different. Makes me think of Penguin Books.Can I be your butler?
And here is the other link I promised Brian - from my local paper with a lovely mention of the Chrons.
Why do I think that you have a very evil laugh indeed?So, I've had my interview with a Sunday paper. It went well, I think, although we'll see on Sunday. I suspect suburban mum of two pens dark, gritty sci fi might be the angle that's coming out about me in general. I shall have to practice my evil laugh.