Grimm: 3.01: The Ungrateful Dead

Just to remind folks - as FireDragon said in June, Grimm returns tonight @9 US Eastern.
I take it from the total lack of response that everyone either missed it or was as underwhelmed as I was? :)

I actually like continuing story arcs when you see a great and complete episode and then it builds and extends even further than you expected but I really hate "story arcs" that come from an inability to write even a single complete episode. This was nothing but a bloated middle of an episode that accomplished virtually nothing - if they did a 30 second "previously on Grimm" spot tonight, no viewer would have missed a thing from last week. They really need to raise their game or I'm going to have to give up, despite suffering through the equally lame "Juliette the amnesiac" story line of last season. All for naught if they don't figure out something worthwhile to do and do it satisfyingly.

I dunno - maybe I'm being too harsh, but I sure didn't enjoy it. Which reminds me...
I take it from the total lack of response that everyone either missed it or was as underwhelmed as I was? :)

I didn't mind it, but it IS another cliffhanger, and I was getting pretty tired of the Cajun voodoo king, but maybe we'll move on in "reasonable" fashion from here on. Hope springs eternal.

At least Juliette seems to be back on track.
Yep, we'll see. I can't say why, in that the second episode wasn't all that much different from the first, but it was more enjoyable somehow. But I wonder if the Big Change Nick found out about isn't going to cause more trouble (fictionally) than it's worth.

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