Yeoman Rand


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2010
I don't seem to run across fans of this character, and never was one myself. The wig, of course, was ridiculous -- they had to have known they were taking a risk, and this was one that didn't pay. Over the years people have objected to the miniskirt uniform. I read somewhere that these absurd uniforms were the idea of Grace Lee Whitney, who played Ym. Rand. Does anyone have anything favorable to say about the Rand character?
I was under the impression it was her real hair, but I think the miniskirts are one of the few things that date the original series. The design of the set was very clever that it had little that would date, and the tunics actually look just like the kind of base layer t-shirts walkers wear today. But the mini-skirts are just so 1960's. I thought that the costumes were completely credited to William Ware Theiss, but I stand to be corrected.

As for the popularity of the Rand character, I didn't understand that anymore than I understand Boba Fett in Star Wars.
This was attributed to the Star Trek "Memory Alpha" source:

----In spite of feminist objections, it was actually a woman who was responsible for the introduction of the Starfleet mini skirts and not Roddenberry, as Star Trek lore would have it at the time. It was Grace Lee Whitney, brought in to play Yeoman Janice Rand, who made the suggestion to [costume designer William] Theiss, after she had done pre-production publicity shots, wearing the second pilot style uniforms with pants. Whitney explained, "In fact I was the one that made them do that. My concept of ladies in space were not to look like men. I read a lot of comic books as a kid, and I just saw the ladies as looking as we did. Actually it was shorts with the skirt flap over the front. Bill Theiss did that. And the black stockings, the boots, and the legs. I thought it was just outstanding."---

It was a wig:

The wig thing also dates Star Trek. That gives it something in common with, I've heard, Lawrence Welk's show.
Since beehive hairdos were a common sight at the time, I never gave it a second thought. I still remember the dreaded, 'Kelty Clippies,' (bus conductresses) with their cap badges attached to a square of material which was then hair-pinned to the front (Caps were compulsory, but impossible), and my 5ft 2in aunt brushing the living-room light fitting thanks to her high heels and beehive.
Beehives were one thing -- Yeoman Rand's hairdo was another matter, appearing to be a mass of densely woven hair that would have strained the neck to support. Perhaps that's what happening in this image:

By contrast, this beehive doesn't seem so heavy:
I don't seem to run across fans of this character, and never was one myself. The wig, of course, was ridiculous -- they had to have known they were taking a risk, and this was one that didn't pay. Over the years people have objected to the miniskirt uniform. I read somewhere that these absurd uniforms were the idea of Grace Lee Whitney, who played Ym. Rand. Does anyone have anything favorable to say about the Rand character?

As a child, I really liked Yeoman Rand. I thought her hair was cool, too.

As an adult, I guess I am a bit nostalgic.

I certainly have no objections to the miniskirts! :)

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