What about these Google Products?
Google Groups
Google +
Google APIs
Google Analytics
Stuff hosted on Google Hosting
You Tube
Adverts on sites provided by Google
Google Translate
Google login services
Google skewing search results to their own agenda (DuckDuckGo uses Google Search)
Google's special Twitter API to provide Twitter sourced results in results (affects DuckDuckGo)
Google's Millions lobbying EU and USA
Their stupid but privacy busting Project Loon
Android (Google Spyware unless it's free version with no Playstore access)
Chrome (Google Spyware)
Nest (home automation)
Street view (slurping WiFi data was no accident, now Android does it)
And more.
IoT can be used by criminals to decide if you are worth robbing or in. Security on it is GARBAGE.
Google is most privacy busting corporation ever. They don't need cookies to track and profile you. They are not a kind cuddly Tech company. They are not innovators, very little other that their search was originated by them. They buy companies.
Everything they have exists to feed the money making Advertising Agency. They are the Internet equivalent of the companies that own bill boards. But real world physical adverts do not track your behaviour all day and how long, when and where you view each advert.