Singular possessive nouns ending in s


Science fiction fantasy
May 31, 2015
This is a recent headline in a major newspaper:

"Dutch Muslims: Anti-Islam lawmaker Wilders' plan to broadcast Prophet cartoons is provocation"

I have a good authoritative source that it should be WILDERS'S PLAN.

As examples, I've seen Steve JOBS' biography and Steve JOBS'S biography. It should be JOBS'S according to the classic "The Elements of Style" by William Strunk, Jr.

As someone learning, these differences drive me bonkers!
If you go and look at The Toolbox, you'll see that we deal with this, among many other issues, starting at #9. My take on it:

Whenever there is an "s" at the end of a word, there is a split as to usage as to whether to put another "s" after the apostrophe ie "James' toys" or "James's toys". Perhaps the answer is to say the word out loud and use the "s" accordingly; so "St. James's Park" because one pronounces it "Jameses"; but "Mrs Bridges' actions" because one doesn't say "Bridgeses".
The disadvantage with that rule of thumb is that is leads to names being treated differently within the text, which looks inconsistent, so it might be best to choose which you prefer and follow it.

The lesson to be drawn from this, of course, is not to have character names which end with an "s".
I write green (in the hopeless anticipation of a publishing deal one day) where the ink on the books is reduced because of all the esses I have saved by going the s' way instead of s's.

Funny because the MC in Sour Ground is called Willie Weekes!

