Novel Submissions...

Two questions:
1) Are you going to cycle through sub-genres, with an open submission window for others later (steampunk, high fantasy, etc?)

2) Can writers who have already published [or have a deal to be published] with Tickety Boo send along work within that series at any point?
Are there any submission guidelines? I've noticed most publishers seem to think they are lion tamers, with all the flaming hoops to jump through just to deliver a manuscript. Is it an issue if the book is already self published in ebook format?
Going by what Gary has published so far, I would say that it's not an issue, although how well the book has been selling would be.
Are there any submission guidelines? I've noticed most publishers seem to think they are lion tamers, with all the flaming hoops to jump through just to deliver a manuscript. Is it an issue if the book is already self published in ebook format?
as far as submission guidelines go, [ETA: once Gary puts firm guidelines up, which i would heartily recommend unless he wants manuscripts in five different fonts with single spacing & 8 point green lettering to show when the aliens are speaking...] look at this as a professional interaction and follow them to the letter. i've done job interviews and candidate selection in my time - those candidates who don't follow instructions in the selection process are probably not going to follow instructions once they are taken on either. no publisher wants to work with a writer who is going to cause problems, no matter how good the manuscript may be. consider Angry Robot - they had an Epic Fantasy subs open window a few years back. they stressed original Epic Fantasy only. one of the first subs they received was a Batman fanfic. it could've been better than anything Nolan ever came up with, but it went straight in the bin...
stressed original Epic Fantasy only. one of the first subs they received was a Batman fanfic. it could've been better than anything Nolan ever came up with, but it went straight in the bin...
So it likely counted as an Epic Fail (which is only a few letters different)....
no publisher wants to work with a writer who is going to cause problems, no matter how good the manuscript may be
Might not give an authentic impression of the author. Besides, Douglas Adams comes to mind. Some guidelines might be good, e.g. file format, exerpts or full manuscript.
I've never seen submission guidelines as flaming hoops. Basically I have my mss in 12 point Callibri and 12 point Times and double spaced. Outside of that, I've rarely been asked for anything too fancy (although one did ask for all the chapter headings to have specific fonts etc, and I didn't sub to them as the time it would take vs the long shot of being selected didn't seem worth it).
Going by what Gary has published so far, I would say that it's not an issue, although how well the book has been selling would be.
Many sales or few sales? Up in the Top 20 Free Space Opera on Amazon UK for the about two months and about two sales of book 2 per day. Largely positive random reviews on Smashwords. However, I'm not really convinced this is an achievement yet, certainly not making much money. It is pretty much totally un-edited and only superficial proofing. I imagine with some TLC and a re-launch that wasn't completely botched by my amateurish naivity it could do reasonably well - but then every author would say that.

Gary put his requirements here.

I assume they have not changed for this submission window.
Awesome, thanks - of course it's all too late for me.
What about a collection of short stories, some of which might qualify as space opera (it's complicated)?
On submission guidelines: we just want a good old space romp presented professionally. I read on my Kindle so font does not matter as long as it is consistent. Single spaced is fine. We are looking for series though. Either a duology or trilogy or bigger.

If it has been SP'd that is not a problem CJ Watterson and the fact your book is in some best seller lists is good. We took Ralph Kern's Endeavour on and had it edited twice, one edit had the American market in mind as it is so much bigger. A relaunch would involve a new cover and extensive polishing/editing.

If anyone has any further questions PM me or ask here - don't be shy. :)

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