The Bible Repairman and Other Stories-Tim Powers

Alternative Worlds

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2015
The Bible Repairman and Other Stories
Tim Powers
Tachyon, Sep 1 2011, $14.95
ISBN: 9781616960476

“The Bible Repairman”. Torrez knows the cost of his blood as his soul has dwindled to almost nonexistence. His descent started with a murder leading him to find the spirits of the restless dead and cleansing bibles of evil verses, but he could not save his late daughter or his marriage. Now a wannabe client wants what is left of his tainted blood.

“A Soul in a Bottle”. George meets highly regarded dead poetess Cheyenne who demands a second chance at life. He will learn verses change as circumstances change.

“The Hour of Babel”. It has been forty years since the angel fell into the pizza parlor leading to a tragedy that still haunts the survivors. One of whom wants to go back to 1975 to alter the past and subsequently change the time line.

“Parallel Lines”. Septuagenarian Caroleen struggles with the return of her twin sister BeeVee who committed suicide when the cancer pain overwhelmed her. Now Caroleen fears BeeVee wants to add the second date etched in her sibling’s stone.

“A Time to Cast Away Stones”. With Byron and Shelly free of the succubus’s control (see The Stress of Her Regard), Edward wants to help the Greeks deal with the Nephilim.

“A Journey of Only Two Paces”. As the executor of the late John Ranald’s will, Kohler meets his Widow Mrs. Hathaway to complete the Letter Testamentary Kabbalah soul transmigration.

Although the six super selections have previously been published in diverse small prints, this is the first time together in one book to the delight of fans of Tim Powers, who provides exciting dark looks at the hearts of people forced to select between soul sapping evils.

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