Monster Island

Alternative Worlds

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2015
Monster Island
David Wellington
Thunder’s Mouth, May 2006, $13.95
ISBN 1560258500

The world as we knew it is gone due to the epidemic. Geneva is wiped out and its famous Convention, an inconvenience at times to America sitting as the key to the global economy, obviously meaningless. Manhattan Island known for its eccentric populace from Wall St to the Village to Harlem is now the abode of zombies though the rotting flesh has not changed the average odor of the place. Perhaps the last human on Manhattan, still human with some newly acquired psychic powers, Gary Fleck observes the walking dead who own what is now Monster Island.

Those still human around the world believe ground zero is on Monster Island. A troop of armed female teenagers arrive from Africa to seek needed medicine while their leader, a former U.N. weapons inspector whose reputation was bushwhacked by lying Americans, seeks WMDs to fight against the zombie masters especially the plague “creator”, who probably is the last human on Manhattan Gary or his female mate.

MONSTER ISLAND is an exhilarating dark humor zombie thriller that George Romero would enjoy though the director would have preferred Pittsburgh. The battles between the girly militia and the zombies are terrific scenes as Manhattan serves as the perfect milieu with so many recognizable places to host skirmishes. Though at times the impulse to go repulsive overwhelms the story line, the Night of the Living Dead crowd will appreciate David Wellington’s guided tour of Manhattan Island.

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