The Greener Shore: A Novel of the Druids of Hibernia

Alternative Worlds

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2015
The Greener Shore: A Novel of the Druids of Hibernia
Morgan Llywelyn
Ballantine, May 2006, $24.95
ISBN 0345477669

Ainvar looks back towards the land as he sails west with his three wives and other survivors on the vast sea knowing his side lost to the swords of the Romans. Caesar destroyed the Sacred Grove and conquered Gaul (see DRUIDS). As he journeys to his new home in exile on the island of Eriu, a place the invaders call Hibernia because they believe it is winter year round, Ainvar sadly knows he can never go home. Only his wise senior wife Briga seems to understand his depressed mood as the others are into their personal woes.

When Ainvar and his small party arrive at Hibernia they encounter the wee folk Túatha Dé Danann and other Druids and Celts. As time passes, Ainvar struggles with adapting to the new world and when the Túatha Dé Danann never reappears his depression grows. Briga who possesses Druid magic quietly leads their party’s adjustment with a perceptive wisdom and bits of unseen magic that enables the once proud Carnute survivors to adapt while also helping her spouse with his feelings of failure.

Though the wait has been over fifteen years, Celtic historical fantasy readers will appreciate this powerful sequel to the delightful DRUIDS. The story line is filled with action and adventure starting from the moment that the dejected Ainvar keeps looking back at Gaul with hunger and sadness while the endless waves remind him of the Roman legions. The tale never slows down as they reach their destination and adjust to their new home and at all times provides insight into the lives of the Druids and their followers.

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