Falling Skies - Season Three


weaver of the unseen
Aug 21, 2007
Very Interesting and honest I don't know why they did it, when much, much better series has been cancelled left, right and centre all the time.

At a time when new sci-fi and genre series are struggling a little to even get past a first season, one of the quiet successes has been Falling Skies. Okay, maybe not that quiet – this is a Steven Spielberg-backed project after all – yet it’s still a show whose future at one point appeared a little cloudy.

It turns out, though, that Falling Skies is surviving where others have failed. And now the news has come through that, off the back of solid ratings, TNT has ordered a third season of the show.

In the US, apparently, the show is ranked as basic cable’s top summer drama with adults aged between 18 and 49, and outside of the US Falling Skies continues to earn a solid audience. As such, a ten episode season three has now been confirmed.
:D Thanks for the heads up, FireDragon-16; though my DVD is already set to record the series!

I think there may be a bit of borrowing from this series, The Walking Dead began the last season with that town controlled by the tyrant guy. Even before it was revealed that he was a tyrant, I was suspecting it, because of what I had seen here last season.

I am expecting good stuff!
I have two suspects on who's the spy and I don't think it's the president's son. Also I suspect that the new aliens are on good side and we are led to believe otherwise.
It's interesting that so many new complicating factors have been thrown in at the outset of the season. Who's the spy? Why is the baby so advanced? Are the urbane, well-spoken aliens really helping or are they bad? What is the giant gizmo they're making? Has Noah Wylie's son really been turned to the dark side? Inquiring minds want to know....... and will probably have to wait a while to find out. ;)
Oh yeah, whole eight weeks of episodes that one after another will twist the story. And the thing is that whatever you believe it won't happen. And what you really think might happen, might happen in very, very twisted way.
Not to be picky. Oh heck, I'm gonna be picky. They got a 15 year old "solder" killed last season, and we open this season with Tom's 10 year old son sneaking through badguy territory planting bombs? Seriously?????

The other thing that drives me nuts about this series is that no-one talks to anyone else. Hal is acting strange, his girl friend finds his boots obviously used out in the woods, she suspects something is going on - she tells no one.

Anne has a kid who is acting so far beyond a newborn's level and she tells no-one? Not even her husband????? You would think a mother would be a wee bit concerned.

Karen has fun with Hal and her spine begins to glow? Jimmny Cricket - she's really a Cylon!!!!!

The strange thing for me is that these sort of things have been going on all thru-out the series. Yet I still find the show entertaining enough to continue to watch it. I think a lot of the reason is the wonderfully complex bond Noah Wiley and Will Patton have achieved with their characters. They are the two that keeps me coming back.
Not to be picky. Oh heck, I'm gonna be picky. They got a 15 year old "solder" killed last season, and we open this season with Tom's 10 year old son sneaking through badguy territory planting bombs? Seriously?????

Who's going to be small enough to plant EMP-bombs? I understand that childs should not be on front-line but in the situation like they're in, what other choice they have than use what they have?

You saw that the el-presidente went out and conducted a dangerous mission just like anyone else, and he wasn't whining or sitting in a command-bunker under a cool breeze of AC vent.

The other thing that drives me nuts about this series is that no-one talks to anyone else. Hal is acting strange, his girl friend finds his boots obviously used out in the woods, she suspects something is going on - she tells no one.

Anne has a kid who is acting so far beyond a newborn's level and she tells no-one? Not even her husband????? You would think a mother would be a wee bit concerned.

How often people talk about these things to other people in real life?
To be honest (and sorry to the Americans here) but this show just seems too "America the Great!" for me...

Everything is too clean, pretty and Hollywood for a post-apocalyptic setting (seriously, everyone's hair is always nicely washed) and there's constant "The Hero prevails to cliche music".

For something that has a good premise it just seems a little bit too cheesy for me.
Well they are all scruffy looking. lol. And the marauder gang seem to never taken a bath since the first episode. Actually about the only one who has wonderfully groomed hair all the time is Anne, the doctor.

And who would trust a grungy doctor? ;)
Everything is too clean, pretty and Hollywood for a post-apocalyptic setting (seriously, everyone's hair is always nicely washed) and there's constant "The Hero prevails to cliche music".

Well, at least you can now tell the good Skitters from the bad Skitters because they've taken to wearing red war paint. If they were British, they'd wear blue paint. :D
Was the 7-month story gap between seasons 2 and 3 just to give Moon Bloodgood time to have her real-life baby? Seems like a lot of storyline for viewers to fill in on their own.
Not sure if that is so or not. I know that I really enjoyed the concept as it played out. Changes, changes everywhere and they told the background story as they went along. The first time Weaver calls Tom "Sir" was a beautiful example. Very startling to hear that.

It was a refreshing change.
I suppose it didn't hurt my brain to do some dot connection as the new season opening episode unwound. Overall, I really like the series – a nice mix of alien action and character development.
Episode 3 continues the overall solid story telling for this season. Don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it yet, so in general. Wonderful interactions between the cast, for good and for not so good. Triumphs and tragedies. New surprises.

Most shocking of all. A berzerker takes a bath!!!!! lol.
I don't know what to really say about the "president's" survival skills, as the way he magically got the flame out from rubbing two wood pieces together just told me about the way that the researchers had not done their jobs.

Not very well, as although the writer might have put the piece in, the execution in this scene, and in many others left me wonder on the quality of Falling Skies this year.

Also if you don't mind me saying the "scientist" is also weird, as what does he really know about the Volan Tech?
I don't know what to really say about the "president's" survival skills, as the way he magically got the flame out from rubbing two wood pieces together just told me about the way that the researchers had not done their jobs.

Hey, if it's good enough for Tom Hanks, it's good enough for Noah Wylie. ;) And then there was the "Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid" moment. Six-legged Pinkertons. Who knew?

But not so bad, overall. Nice to see Gloria Reuben in the cast. No telling how long she'll stay. My only gripe comes from constantly trying to figure out where in blazes the story is going. I'm afraid I'm hooked, though.
Big, Big episode this time. Lots of answers. What is the alien device. What happened to the President. Is there a possible coming alliance between of all people, Weaver and Pope? And biggest of all, who is the real traitor.
That inception was brilliant. It was plain obvious and it worked well even though I for a moment started to think they were using one of the tropes with the flashback scene, but in the reality it was the reality switch between different dreams. Or psycotropes - if I can call them like that.

The Falling Skies still surprises me with the brilliant gems like that and for now I really geared up to look the alien grid coming down. But I also expect something terrible to happen. And to be honest, I trust them doing a good job.

The series has come through better than Terra Nova. It's interesting and it delivers watchers so much more entertainment than what you were able to canvas from recently cancelled V reboot.

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