
Stephen Palmer

author of books
Dec 22, 2009
The good folk of SFF Chrons have been kind to me, supporting me, being good friends, helping, and much more. It's a great forum with lots of lovely people.

So, in recognition of that, I have four free redeem codes to give away for the Literary Fantasy Storybundle that is currently operational.

This Sunday (not sure when exactly - more details soon!) I'll post a question here, and the first four correct answers will get a redemption code for the whole bundle.

Sounds good, eh? :D
HERE WE GO! he said, in big bold capitals...

Want to win nine free ebooks? Got a kindle or whatever apparatus one uses to read said ebooks?

Then answer this question, and the first four people to PM me the correct answer will win.

Q: One of the books in the Storybundle Literary Fantasy bundle is my Hairy London. What published short story led to the writing of that novel?
Technical details:

Do these books work on my Kindle/iPad/Android tablet/phone?
Yes! These ebooks are meant for your tablet, ebook reader or smartphone. It doesn't matter if you have an Amazon Kindle, and Apple iPad, any Android tablet or any other ebook reader, you should be able to read our books. All our titles come in both .mobi and .epub formats, so if you're familiar with syncing books to your device already, you can do sync our books the exact same way.
I never thought I would like ebooks but now I read them on my phone in bed, with white text on a black background and the brightness turned right down. My phone case has a wee stand so I only need to tap to turn pages. For me it works better than a trad book (only at bedtime - phone doesn't smell or feel as good as paper) - I can nod off to sleep without dropping my book, losing my page, or annoying Fraser by leaving the light on. Win-win!
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