5.07: Falling Skies - Everybody Has Their Reasons


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Jan 5, 2001
Way on Down South, London Town
The group finds a safe haven in the form of a functional military base run by Weaver's old flame. Meanwhile, plans spin into motion for a final assault on the Espheni, yet it dawns on the 2nd Mass that things aren't exactly as they seem.
That was a bit of irony. The grand inquisitor is accusing the Masons of being in league with the Espheni while she herself is being controlled by an Overlord.

I would think her loyal troops would have suspected that she was suffering from something more than battle fatigue when she went into her trances. Maybe she'll give herself away after receiving one of her telepathic directives by saying aloud: "By your command."
There were three things that didn't ring true in this. As you point out, her troops must surely have been a bit suspicious of her trances and in only being interested in seeking out human collaborators rather pushing forward the fight. I don't see how the 14th Virginia can only be made up of inexperienced young boys who follow their leader's poor decsions without question. They would have had to fight hard in order to have survived to have arrived at the Naval base.

The second was when the 2nd Mass. first discovered the base. They were quite right to be very suspicious but then that very quickly subsided. I thought it was very strange that they had never picked them up on the radio and yet had picked up militia in Africa. Now an explanation for that did come a bit later on, but even that explanation was a bit odd, so why didn't they ask the question straight away?

The third was how convenient it is to boost the numbers of the 2nd Mass. and to find a huge arsenal of weapons just at the point they will need them to push on Washington D.C. And Katie had to be someone Dan knew too.

The Court Martial scene was good, but there seems to be a lot of people they are meeting who are forgetting who the real enemy is. What the Court Martial did point out was the shear unbelievability of the ridiculous storylines we have had in the previous Season. Quite honestly, I don't believe their story either. Either that, or Tom Mason really is the smartest person left on the planet and clearly deserves to be the next President just like Pope said.

Where is Pope and his gang anyway?

And why did Tom keep secret Cochise and the Espheni communication device when they were quite willing to give away very important details of the rest of their future plans? And given that Katie apparently knows all this anyway, one would have to ask how she knows, and then we don't need to be shown an image of an Overlord in order to make the connection.

Also, Dan's long game of getting Cochise and Dingaan to come to the rescue isn't going to work if Katie already knows about them. Still there is a lot else going on. Isabella and Maggie are free now, and Maggie doesn't seem to have lost any strength with the loss of her spikes. Now we know why she had to lose them so quickly. If she had still had them when Ben had one removed her's would have been lighting up the base.

And a final thing; why can't Ben detect the Overlord? Is that why he had to have a spike removed? If Katie is being controlled by it then Ben should know about it.
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Good points above. Here and in earlier threads folks have mentioned some poor writing at times. I find they concentrate too much on trying to force human drama on the series. Yes we want characters to be interesting, so we care for them, and not just mindless action. But I think more action involving the Aliens and their machines is what this show cries out for. The invasion story mainly works well and there was so much scope for battles and stealth missions leading up to the finale. Instead we see more about people's complaints and disagreements. The good officer turned bad followed by young and arrogant soldiers is very cliché. As for Pope he is like a Superman or James Bond baddie when people follow the boss even though he is insane or evil. Though in Pope's case he doesn't have any riches to give them incentive. I don't think they needed to bring out his bad side again. He has had rather an unfortunate time.

The communications device being left in a box in a factory is bizarre. It will turn out as crucial to victory though. Also the petrol and weapons being left unguarded, bar some insects was weird. I felt it should be a trap. Also you would think the guy who opened the room with the insects would slam the door rather than shooting. Or even just run.

Maggie keeping her strength or at least fighting skills doesn't seem right.

Regarding the Washington attack is it then just going to be the 14th Virginia and 2nd Mass? What, maybe 200 soldiers and militia?

It could have been a great series but somehow seems to be so-so. Though watchable. I still hold some hope of excitement before the end. When one of the earlier episodes showed the hatchery with thousands of aliens flying around I was more optimistic.
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I find they concentrate too much on trying to force human drama on the series. Yes we want characters to be interesting, so we care for them, and not just mindless action. But I think more action involving the Aliens and their machines is what this show cries out for. The invasion story mainly works well and there was so much scope for battles and stealth missions leading up to the finale. Instead we see more about people's complaints and disagreements
I don't feel that the writers are showing any sense of urgency in forging a strong, coherent stretch of episodes to finish the series.

It's almost as if they pay no attention to what has preceded or what will follow when writing the current episode, like different trains cars linked together but sharing little more than the same locomotive. Can't be making Steven Spielberg proud.

I've invested too much in the series to stop now. I just wish it would become more rewarding to watch.
Well, I don't think it is spoiling to say next week will be all about escaping from the 14th Virginia. The following week I expect Pope to show up again, which only leaves a single episode to show the battle to beat the Espheni. There seemed like there were a lot of creatures being made in the episode where we saw a swarm near the end, so it seems unlikely that one episode is going to do that battle any justice. Maybe the budget was cut so much that they cannot show so many creatures this Season. Maybe they are saving the budget up for some epic final. We will know soon enough. Considering the big deal being made of the Espheni communication device, I'm expecting some kind of technological trap/solution involving the use of that modified device. On the other hand, if the device is so important, why leave it unguarded in a box in a disused factory? Also, since Katie knows they know of its existence then so too does the Overlord, and so maybe it is all an Espheni trap instead. Maybe the Espheni win and the final episode is set ten years later when everyone is a slave or a skitter and Earth is now the supply chain for the galactic Volm/Espheni war.
Maybe the Espheni win and the final episode is set ten years later when everyone is a slave or a skitter and Earth is now the supply chain for the galactic Volm/Espheni war.
I think you've hit upon it! Supply chain for cheap labor or delicious, juicy steaks?

Say, didn't I spot an Espheni in that classic Twilight Zone episode "To Serve Man"?
Well, I don't think it is spoiling to say next week will be all about escaping from the 14th Virginia.
Maybe somehow they will still unite? After the nearby overlord is somehow found and picked off. Maybe by Ben or something related to the communications device.
The idea of the Espheni victory is quite amusing. It would be Outer Limits style.
I presume when the 5th season was written they actually knew a 6th season wouldn't happen. Not Borgias style without a complete ending.

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