Travis is gone! Liber8 members are dropping like flies as there are only one episode left in the season. I haven't checked the details, so I can only assume with get forty five minutes to see the Other Kellogg coming back, the fight between the police department and other Kelloggs men, Alex's manipulation of time and what the Traveller is going to about it all.
I'm sure I have missed a couple lose threads, as there are so many things that can manipulate the time-line, if Kira goes back to her future. My feeling is that she isn't and she stays in the past to make sure that the future doesn't turn any darker than what it already is. After all she's the Protector. There are nobody else as Brad turned out to be the bad apple. But what is interesting that what motivates him is exactly the same thing that motivates the Protector. And outside all other "time-travellers" Brad has same agenda, same desire with his family as what Kira has kept close to her heart ever since she found that animated toy-soldier in her possession.
To Brad that is all memories.
Maybe the message Simon Barry is trying to tell us that it is only the memories that matter as each one of us go forward in the time-line. Or then again maybe I'm just grasping the straws, and trying to see something beautiful in the this glorious semi-final episode, while knowing that the final episode either will solve all the problems, or it'll go down only one route.
I know that sounds bitter, but I am bitter for knowing that there's only one episode left and then that's it. No more Continuum. Not even spin-offs, when there's so much potential material for all sorts of things. Well, at least I know there's some other project Mr Barry will his fingers in the near future. Maybe they'll be as good as this series.