Ray McCarthy
Sentient Marmite: The Truth may make you fret.
My spelling checkers all object to Alright
I've read Grammar Girl before:
I think, so perhaps "alright" may only be acceptable in a character's transcribed note. Or writing using wrong spellings to indicate an accent or dialect?
I've read Grammar Girl before:
Today’s topic concerns three sets of words that are easy to confuse: “all together” (two words) and “altogether” (one word), “all ready” (two words) and “already” (one word), and “all right” (two words) and “alright” (one word). As we’ll see shortly, one of these six words isn't even a real word.
I think, so perhaps "alright" may only be acceptable in a character's transcribed note. Or writing using wrong spellings to indicate an accent or dialect?