Star Trek: Discovery - new series in 2017

After the mess made of the movies, fun movies but not real Star Trek, I won't hold my breath for this one. If people here watch and like, then I may jump aboard.
It sounds like they want to stay true to Gene's vision and ethos. Come on Droflet, grab a glass of bubbly and jump on board!

I would pay to watch it. Think it's a good ploy to get loads of die hard fans to subscribe! :whistle:
Hmm, what can I say. Nice new avatar, Shah.
Steady on Droflet, you'd get sued for saying that if Shah was a lawyer and this was Linkedin!

As for the series, there is no detail there at all about it. I think we need a little more information before deciding how good it is. In theory, it is a good step.
Thanks for the warning Dave. Yeah, I knew there was a reason i'm not on social media. Yep, this is a wait and see exercise. We've got over a year so ...
I'm sure Droflet has grounds to counter sue for all the comments I make. :D

As for Star Trek, I have read somewhere that they are wanting to stay true to the original format and not turn it on its head like the movies... Only time will tell! Fingers crossed.
I hope they ignore 'bra-mstrek and move forward 200 years from TNG.

The Federation-Klingon alliance is broken. Romulans have overrun Klingon space. Tholians have made overtures of peace, but no one can really know what they want. The Gorn are making raids towards the Federation and no one has ever heard of the Q-continuum. Fingers crossed.
I hope they ignore 'bra-mstrek and move forward 200 years from TNG.

The Federation-Klingon alliance is broken. Romulans have overrun Klingon space. Tholians have made overtures of peace, but no one can really know what they want. The Gorn are making raids towards the Federation and no one has ever heard of the Q-continuum. Fingers crossed.

If no one ever heard of the Q that would just piss them off enough to make their presence known :) they are my favorite alien race in the st universe.

But I also do hope they go forward in the future because it would be interesting to see some new takes on different technologies that have since been imagined since the 1990s
In my view Star trek, as a TV series, got better and better from original to Deepspace 9 where it peeked. Voyager then marked a slight step back; but the real dip was with Enterprise which was honestly rather messy (esp with going into a whole "temporal time war" thing).

Movies wise I'd say that they peeked early and then once they got to the Next Generation age of films they started to wobble a bit; with the last couple being rather poor; especially as I felt that the whole series of NG films was overplaying DATA which feels odd considering that he was basically "done" in the series.

I've seen one of the new films and; its an action flick. Fantastic visuals and such; but story is a childish mess. I've not got high hopes for a new series; though I hope to be surprised.
Oh Please, No Q..... Clearly the worst of the other races. I had to keep myself from grabbing the remote and shutting off the TV whenever Q appeared. Give me Romulans, Klingons, Vulcans, and Gorn. Tholians... I could maybe stomach. But please no Q.
Q always seemed to me to be the TNG throwback to the Original series; Kirk encountered several "all powerful rather childlike" aliens. Indeed that's part of the problem in continuity with the original series of Startrek in that it really didn't get "serious" until the first Motion Picture film. Before that it was very much a monster of the week sci-fi romp through space with limited story elements - it was more "its all the same at the end as it was at the beginning of the episode" affair.

Which, of course, is why Q don't really "work" in the normal series; despite being quite key to the long story arcs in several cases they just do not fit all that well.

Honestly I think a new Startrek should do something REALLY different. No more ship captains and exploration of the universe; try living within it. I think that is why DS9 stands out a bit. You had Quark and other characters just trying to live their lives in the world; rather than being at the forefront in the flagship of Starfleet or some-such key role. It would also be a neat way to flesh out the world without each revealed detail having to be a planet shattering discovery.
