Brainstorms and other super powered disasters.

David Evil Overlord

Censored Member
Jan 25, 2012
Prime Evil Soup
I'm wondering if anyone would like to help me brainstorm.

Currently working on the sequel to my super hero novel. Our Hero has found herself forcibly enrolled at a school for super heroes. Right now, she's enduring an introduction to the Creative Use Of Super Powers class.

The teacher's One Unbreakable Rule is Don't Try This At Home, Kids, We're Trained Professionals. Meaning any ideas they come up with, they have to run it by their teacher before they try it. This is meant to prevent brains catching on fire, and other such disasters.

I'm trying to list some other such disasters. But a long day at work means I can't even brain right now. Any ideas what kind of super powered disasters previous generations of students might have caused?
Possibly my answers will show I read Marvel's Excalibur too much as a kid

classmates turned to glass
Power's swapped
every light bulb in school blown
Someone is turned hairy
hole blown through ceiling
sinkhole opening under school
all the windows in the school cracked
Teacher's cars on school roof
every plastic object in school melted
people's personalities, (memories) swapped
Class mate sent to another dimension
School bus turned into living creature that rampages through school
Entire school ripped from foundations and floating 20 foot in air
gymnasium floor turned into living breathing wood monster that tries to eat all the girls
200 foot geyser shoots out top of school
entire school filled with sand/soap bubbles/cuddly toys/water/popcorn
Everyone in school (except janitor) frozen in time

That's all I can think of for now
Well it depends on the powers, and whether or not this is a humorous book but here's a few ideas:

School shot into space
The internal school gym being rained on
A teacher has suffered electric shocks every five minutes after an incident
A time portal in the janitor's closet
The entire class being miniaturized and nearly eaten by the headmaster's pet cat/dog/hamster
Evil duplicates, which took no end of trouble to get rid of. Except for the duplicate of Emily Rowen in 4b, who they kept because she was nicer than the real one.
The school sport's equipment coming to life.
The plague of fictional characters
The giant squirrel that has taken up residence in the attic
The incident that causes Mr. Bobkins to twitch uncontrollably whenever he sees a spatula, and which nobody likes to talk about
The dinner lady that can only walk on the ceiling.
The showers that produce diet lemonade instead of water.

I'm going to stop now, but this is fun :D
A time portal in the janitor's closet
Pretty sure my high school had one of these
The entire class being miniaturized and nearly eaten by the headmaster's pet cat/dog/hamster
Evil duplicates, which took no end of trouble to get rid of. Except for the duplicate of Emily Rowen in 4b, who they kept because she was nicer than the real one.
love it!
The incident that causes Mr. Bobkins to twitch uncontrollably whenever he sees a spatula, and which nobody likes to talk about
(sniggers to self)
The dinner lady that can only walk on the ceiling.
Maybe you could look back in history and examine the schools of the Shaolin priests.

Their training produced a form of well-balanced supermen.
The hero's head being the center of a gravitational pull (resulting in hats becoming excessively difficult to remove and receiving many accidental headbutts)
Each door in the building leading to a random door which changed each time someone used it
How about these:

1. Do not use heat/laser vision to heat the outdoor pool. class 3C are still recovering
2. Just because someone's name ends in "the Immortal" or "the Indestructible" this does not give you licence to prove them wrong
3. Use of mind-reading in exams is forbidden
3. Use of mental powers/mind control to convince Miss Honey you are in fact over 16 is not permitted
4. Using time travel to complete your history homework is forbidden
5. Similarly, travelling in time to change history to match your homework is forbidden. The many history books on Caesar Dave, Medieval Skateboarding, and The First (and Last) Charge of the Prussian Pogo Cavalry all attest to this.
6. No flying in the corridors
7. Just because you are invisible does not mean you may enter the girls' locker rooms.
8. You might be immune to poison gases, but this does not mean you can ignore the chem lab safety rules.
9. However nicely he asks, do not pull Professor Atomic's finger. The rebuilding work is still ongoing from last time.
10. Students with elastic properties do not make for the best catapults.
11. Icing over hallways at recess is not amusing.
12. Blackmailing teachers for good grades in exchange for not starting the apocalypse will not be tolerated.
13. Teleporting your teacher to an alternative dimension so you don't have to hand in your homework will not be treated as a "jape", however hard you try to convince the faculty.
Steeples fingers in Evil Overlord's Pyramid of Evil Contemplation.

Excellent! :)

So excellent, I might have to write an actual school rules handbook to go with the novel. :)
Something spandex related should go into the school rules.

Also not teasing the normals** who work in the tech lab

Also not using the normals from the tech lab as subjects for human experiments on powering up your friends in exchange for cooler tech

And turning in your "Cryptonite" forms to the lunch lady so she doesnt accidentally kill you; much like the normals version of an allergy list, but more important and confidential.

Signup sheets for the Self Discovery Chamber -a chamber designed to withstand the more destructive forces inherent in Super self discovery.

Members of the Year Book and Prom committees must have party related super powers to apply.

**007's Q is an alumni of the normals tech department, which is why 007 has such cool stuff.

Atomic wedges should not actually be atomic!
Using your x-ray vision to cheat on exams is forbidden. (Spying on your classmates is fine!)
Climbing the walls with exam stress is fine. Actually climbing the walls may damage the brickwork and is forbidden.
No flying in the hallways.
Smoking is a minor infraction. Smoking your classmates is not!

Cheers, Greg.
School P.A. announcement's.

Between the hours of twelve and one students are confined to the mainfloor cafeteria, gymnasium, auditorium and library. The upper two floors during these hours become an alternate dimension. A terribly folded area that would give eisher nightmares. Having thirty seven sides and no bottom its often compared to the general assembly of Parliament, but is actually a quiziord from the transvoid dimension of squiff. The school also uses this area for extra staff parking.

Please keep on the lookout in the washroom mirrors for the freshman class of 1973, as they are still missing and on the loose in the generalilty of the fifteenth refractory index. All herberzian artoloids not producing spectral trails on the ultra violet range at this time have been declared dimensionally challenged and require a permission slip from their creche mother to attend drivers training. It has come to our attention that blind as a bat boy and blind as a bat girl have been using the marching bands tubas for sonarlocation. This is not acceptable. Please pick up your approved sonar finding kits from the school nurse.
Will the party or parties that tied the reins of their battle phoenix's to the flag pole please see the janitor. Your birds have re-egged themselves.
All students declaring the quiziord has vacuumed away their homework will be given the standard twelve hours of grace until the quizoird reappears. After this time if the homework is not found the students will be put to shoveling the quiziords scatt trail as punishment.
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