First of all, \o/ , Gabriel killed someone. Well done. He deserved a chance to redeem himself like no other person in Rick's group. Eugeen has already done it, so it's only proper he did it. But even though we didn't see Alexandrian's other than Denise we shouldn't count them in the kill list. Every life is important!
Morgan needs to seriously re-evaluate. As good as he is trying to be, he doesn't fit this world. If it was only his own life he was risking, out in a cabin in the woods, then fair enough. But he may have just lost the community their doctor because he was protecting a certifiable lunatic who was never, ever going to change.
That's right. Goodman was a good character judge, but Morgan trying to practice Goodman's lifelong experience isn't going to happen no matter how much Morgan wants. The time isn't now, but the place for this to happen is right. Rick's group needs to change the course and grab the bull from horns. If they want this to succeed they have to clear Alexandria from dead people, and not assume it's safe, when and if Rick's plan succeed.
I doubt they are going to make to the Armory, with a little boy on tow and wanting mummy at the same time. But, no matter what happens, Morgan should have told to Rick that he had captured a prisoner. Most importantly that prisoner could be interrogated for much needed intelligence on Wolves operations in the Washington DC area.
The problem with this season is that it's meant for binge watching. All the events are tied together one way or another. It is almost like we're watching 24, but instead of hours, we are getting linked together sequences. Almost as if they're writing a book.
In a way, it hasn't gone down well as unlike in the previous seasons, we have found much to criticize during this autumn period. The episodes hasn't been exactly suitable for weekly viewings. But in the long run, I hope they get their act together - even if it's too late to do reshootings. The editors have to do some extraordinary magics to save this series, if the story sucks, because the next season could be the last of this series if the numbers start to go down.
Is the new doc a goner, or will she be entranced by Wolfman's crazy-eyed charm?
None of the doctors survive in this series. Just think about it. Denise might see her end if Wolf ditches her on sight of the hordes. Although I don't think he's too scared about zombies, as it seems he's been with the dead people for quite a while. Denise, however, is seriously f***ed if she's ditched in the middle of walkers.
Blondie's kids are serious liabilities. I'm not sure which is worse, the occasionally homicidal, occasionally suicidal Captain Negativity, or the simpering mess that is the youngest one.
They're on a crash course towards a rock called reality. Even if Glenn was saved, they're just sidekicks at the moment. But about the Captain Suicide, I was surprised Carl didn't cap him, when they were alone in Ron's room! However, being a little boy from a world of yesteryear, Sam did brilliantly on acting the way he did. In story wise, like I said above, I don't think they're going to get far with Rick's plan with Sam doing his Are-we-there-yet act.
Did Eugene drop the radio? Because it was fairly quickly forgotten.
He still has it.