How can I beat this space prison blockade?

Go for the Endor option, the moon is surrounded by an impenetrable forcefield with only one safe way through it. Only authorised shuttles are given the safe route through. And vice versa. So you may need an insider or a computer hacker to get back out.

Or Han Solo to blow up the forcefield generator.

As you say, the bad guys go by official channels, the good guys smuggle themselves onboard a provisions shuttle and leave the same way.
If your bad guys are getting in through official channels, could the good guys stow away on their ship? Maybe they could pay off or blackmail one of the bounty hunters into getting them into the ship in say, cargo containers.

Just to sort of extend the ideas a little. The good guys have permission to land from higher ups not directly involved in the running of the prison so they get all the codes and what have you given to them so they can land and leave. The guards don't know about it because it's all hush hush, so they still have to be discreet. Sort of like if Internal Affairs would have if they were investigating corrupt cops.

The bad guys use stolen codes and official, but comandeered ships like supply ships. They also have codes, not necessarily the latest, and have to coordinate their pick ups and put downs with when their corrupt buddies are on duty.

Cheers, Greg.
These may have been suggested already, but here it goes...
1) A small ship could secretly attach to the hull of another ship. To computer sensors or someone unfamiliar with the vessels it will look like one large ship. The small ship can detach after they are past the blockade.
2) Most sensor networks have gaps that can be exploited if their time and locations are known.
3) Something very small (the size of 1 or 2 people) could be ignored by the sensors and could pass through the blockade undetected. Make 2 or 3 of these flight pods to reach the moon.
4) One group could hide in cargo containers being sent to the moon or pose as a maintenance crew.
Hope this sparks a few ideas

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