Ray McCarthy
Sentient Marmite: The Truth may make you fret.
Variations in the light even from faint stars can help establish what the surface gravity and thus other parameters about a star are. Unless the star is categorised properly, the size of any detected planets can't be accurately known. An earth to super earth planet at a distance from a particular star for water might have life. A gas giant, or a planet too close or too far is unlikely to have life. Thus knowing about the star is the most important thing.
New techniques:
http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-35205810 (outside UK)
or inside UK
Advance in astronomy 'can help find other worlds' - BBC News
(BBC site still loading erratically here after the alleged DDOS attacks).
New techniques:
http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-35205810 (outside UK)
or inside UK
Advance in astronomy 'can help find other worlds' - BBC News
(BBC site still loading erratically here after the alleged DDOS attacks).