Me and my brother have always had an argument about magical worlds - his position is that technology simply cannot exist beyond medieval era in a world with magic
I'm with you.
Most original "magical" stories (myths & legends) are written with tech contemporary to the period of the writing.
Mediaeval folk in reality (and ancient Babylonians, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Indians, Chinese etc) had far more tech than is obvious from an uneducated reading of the stories.
They knew about some things they didn't make for mass consumption because the economics was wrong or it was too much bother to purify the materials needed.
Reading Glasses existed long before 1450s. The Printing press caused a boom in glasses production, which led to cheaper optics and thus microscopes and telescopes.
A magical world of fairy folk might have compatible GSM/3G cell phones fitted INSIDE their hazel wands. Magical locks instead of PIN on phone and password on laptop.
Genetic Engineering AND Shape changing magic.
Electric Cars, but the autopilot is magic rather than LIDAR, sensors, cameras, GPS and computers ...
Perfectly ordinary aircraft. Have you tried using an umbrella on a broomstick?
You are limited only by your imagination and knowledge of technology.
I agree that Hogwarts, or J.K. Rowlings' magic world conception doesn't need tech. The magic newspapers sound like eInk.