Hmm. Interesting take on things. Maybe what I should have written was: I'm gnarlier and more sceptical. At least, I think I am, and I do take it upon myself to "Question Everything" because it's easy to just take what's spoonfed.
I'm not so sure that people are more gullible. We're certainly not so naive. Part of The X-Files's thang in the 90s was the whole Government Conspiracy thing. Nowadays, we all know our Governments are a bunch of self-serving, corrupt cravens, and are voting for the "outsiders" who are Questioning what our established figures are doing. Politics is certainly becoming more partisan, though, which IMO is a bad thing, because it squashes scepticism and creates an "Us & Them" mentality, so perhaps you're right. What we can probably all agree on, however, is that people are much more distrusting of "The Establishment" (define that as you will), and sceptical to its means and ends.
Hence Trump, Sanders, UKIP, Le Front National, Syriza, Podemos, Brexit, Scottish Independence, etc etc.