I'm a slow reader, in terms of the time I have available, usually stolen from sleep.
I finished Sol.Terra (C. A. Harland, free) recently, and have Inish Carraig (Jo Zebedee) to finish. Then I get to choose from many free books, and that might be a separate discussion entirely: Having subscribed to many mailing lists, I get more free books than I can read. Does that kind of saturation kill the market for authors, or would people run out of interesting free stuff, or get hooked enough on a free book to want to pay for more?
Next, I'm looking at trying Robin Hobb's Assassins series (free book 1), which seems to be popular. Or a few scifi anthologies, like Wyrd Worlds II (free). Spotting a pattern?
I like to try new stuff, and tend to avoid handle-turned 'market-driven' works. Trying new stuff is how I discovered Stephen Baxter and Ian M Banks fairly early. Note: my early reading is biased by my starting at 'A' on my local library's sci-fi shelves, so I know of Asimov, Bear, Brin, Bova, etc.