Just discovered and have been reading up on all this, as have been watching Shadowhunters!
Wow, the story is even madder than fiction when you take in more recent events!
My take on the basics, is this:
The Mortal Instruments book one gets published, followed by it's sequels.
Then, it's 10 years later, several books have been published - not a peak, or even the slightest sulphurous and demonic whiff of a Lawyer to suggest that Madame Kenyon is unhappy.
The books have been popular and are not exactly a hidden secret.
Netflix makes a big fuss and announces that they are making a TV Adaption of the Mortal novels, presumably Madame Clare has returned home to Monsieur Clare very much Happy, holding a heavy bag of Gold, the just rewards of her hard work
And out of the blue Madame K suddenly has a million and forty problems with the Mortal Instruments and big, big claims of massive copyright and trademark infringements, and behold, the stench of Lawyers, wafting behind a lawsuit.
Both Author's creatively speaking are working in the same neighbourhood, and sub genre, the one doing the sueing however, has not had as far as can be known at this point,, received offers to Option her work, let alone concluded a succcessful deal to produce a fanfare'd mini series adaption. If I were possessed of a Beard, it would at this point be itching dramatically, lacking any facial topiary beyond eyebrows, however, I instead would be scratching my Chin, in a thoughtful and knowing manner!
Many of the alleged claims are so laughable, the Lawyers and their typists must have been snickering all the way to the post box.
The newest articles I can find regarding the suing of Madame Clare seem to suggest that most of the case is over - Madame K having at the last minute withdrawn all the claims, though the case is still technically live due to various procedural and legal mechanics in place at the court. The withdrawal seems like it may have occurred after finally being told to put up or shut up,
However, whilst Madame Clare's suffering at the hand and legal team of Madame Kenyon are over, other's are not quite so fortunate!!
Mr Kenyon for example, made the mistake of filing for Divorce.
His filing was swiftly followed by the initiation at Court of a Suit against himself and 2 of Mrs Kenyon's Employees, which is where I will drop the humorous tone of my post so far as Madame K's claims in the action and her behaviour at various Hearings (the case, or at least the part regarding Mr K appears to have been merged with the Divorce Suit) are so serious, unpleasant and disturbing that either Mrs K is the victim of a vile if complex plot to murder her, or the poor lady has fallen victim to serious mental health issues.
She Claims that her husband and the 2 employees have other a period of years been systematically attempting to poison her through her food, have attempted to destroy her professional and personal relationships and career, and have inflicted her to horrific bullying in her own home. The end goal being so that her husband can inherit her wealth and copyrights etc, due to severe jealousy, and the employees have been helping as the husband will "see them all right" once he inherits,,
She is suing all three for around 15 Million US Dollars each.
At a recent hearing, the shocked Judge had no choice but to sentence her to a short custodial sentence in the local Prison for Serious Contempt of Court.
She launched foul mouthed tirades at members of her husbands legal team, then began ranting at a relative of his, screaming that the person in question was a paedophile.
When asked to apologise, Mrs Kenyon refused and launched another screaming tirade, accusing the person and others of her husbands family of abusing her Children for years,
It is all very bizarre at the very least!
There does seem to be a hint of a pattern emerging - someone in some way triggers Mrs K's ire, and the immediate reaction is to file legal action with lots of added odd, spurious or unusual claims, amidst what may be genuine issues.
I am slightly surprised that the Judge simply got out a blunt instrument and issued a jail term for contempt, her behaviour on that day surely triggers loud alarm bells, and at the very least an order for an urgent Psyche Evaluation prior to wearing Orange at least would have been a more reasonable course of action - in the UK had the Judge not done so, I suspect the Court's Civilian Custody Detention Officers would have done so, or contacted the intended Prison to alert and have an evaluation done on arrival, or easiest of all for them, contact the local Constabulary and get the Police to come and detain her under the Mental Health Act for evaluation at the nearest Station or hospital with the facilities,
Equally, if her claims regarding the poisening are true, then whatever she has been given has temporarily or permanently damaged her emotional or mental health, she claims physical syptoms etc,