Looking for SCI FI/Fantasy Series


Mar 17, 2016
It`s been a long time since I read, I think, number 2 in the series in paperback, but could never find any of the others. Not even sure how many there are, but it was a trilogy or better. It`s a dystonian world, sort of medieval, but they have airplanes, that I think are steam powered. Various countries/empires that wage war against each other. The young protagonist manages to become a pilot and soon a hero for his attack against a neighbouring city state. Does anyone have any idea of the series I`m referring to? Thanks.
Found it! I guess posting my request here made me search even harder, but I got lucky as well. The book I was remembering, not that accurately it seems, is The Miocene Arrow by Sean McMullen, Book two of his Greatwinter Series. Found him by a Google search on a list called "The best nine SF novels you`ve never heard of". Great list, well worth checking out.

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Thank you J-Sun. Glad to be here. Looks like a fantastic forum and I`m sure I`ll enjoy it.

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