I have NOT watched the newest episodes of the show, for which I am grateful. I am actually now more than an entire season behind. And I assure you,i have not had to live in Isolation. Yes I do hear some things about the show, but so far, nothing too revealing. I also don't have TV so no chance of seeing a pesky commercial that can spoil some things accidently. The one big thing I remember hearing about from last season was the controversy over Sansa being raped by Ramsey Bolton, which we all know didn't happen in the books.
I beg to differ. Once a person invests their hard earned cash then a writer does owe something back to them. There is also small matter of time spent reading an author's work especially if it is a series.
I agree with Fishbowl (though I would never be quite so harsh). Felling that an author owes you something, just because and especially considering, you like their work is almost the definition of false entitlement. The "Hard earned cash" you paid was for the books that were already out. You pay money, you get a book. That is how commerce works. your purchase of A Game of Thrones does not act as an investment to further book purchases. You don't get to cash out, because the Author has already provided the goods that you have purchased, IE. the novel A Game of Thrones. The most you can say is that your purchase of his work so far has contributed to his success as you are a reader of his work. you and millions of other people bought his books and so he became a popular author. His popularity was then translated to Publishers giving him an advance on the next book in the series and, because he is now so popular, the publishers are probably giving him some leeway and slack in his deadlines because he is a heavyweight now. When his next book does come out, he will make the publishers millions of dollars, so they will wait as long as it takes for him to finish his books. So, if anything, you are all part of the problem (not me though because I bought all my copies second hand, HAHA!) If he didn't have so many fans who will buy the next book as soon as it comes out (and yes I am one of them), then he would be feeling more pressure from his publishers and might turn out his next book a bit faster.
What we should do is boycott his next book so that his publishers can say: "Look George, you are losing fans because it takes you too goddamn long to finish a book. The show has advanced the plot past your novels and, what's worse, they have completely gone off track. Your fan's aren't going to know what's what any more so here's the deal, you will get book 7 out in the next 18 months, it will be the last in the series and that will be that, now get chopping because you won't see dime 1 until it's done."
But I guess if that happened we might risk George saying "Well... I quit. I don't even want to finish this series so, screw it." Which, by the way, is the only scenario in which I think a fan could feel cheated by an author. If George just up and decided not to finish his series, I would be right along with you exercising my false entitlement (and it would still be false entitlement because, as I said, George owes
us nothing).With how some of his fan's have been treating him, I wouldn't even blame him too much if he did just stop writing aSoIaF. While many of us are happily and patiently awaiting his next masterpiece, there are a few more vocal fans who, like you, are telling him to get a move on, telling him he is being lazy and, worst of all, insulting him by suggesting he might die before he finishes the series.
Since Ive already gone on a rant of my own, I won't even bring up your point about the time you spent reading his books, which you somehow feel you should be compensated for
I beg to differ. Once a person invests their hard earned cash then a writer does owe something back to them. There is also small matter of time spent reading an author's work especially if it is a series.