Urban Fantasy book covers and blurbs - which are your favourite


Sep 21, 2011
North Scotland
Which one draws you in the most? I'm walking a tightrope with my cover and blurb and would love to know which you love and why.
The blurb--he blurts out--always the blurb.

Most bookstores I go into have the books displayed with the spine facing out(except for new releases on that rack),

I usually look first for something or someone new and then slip the book out and look at the blurb.

If the blurb is good I read the first couple of pages and if that's good...I eventually notice them turning the lights out and realize I' m not in the library.

I follow similar practice on line and I've only once or twice had amazon disappoint me with no sample.

That much said, a good cover is helpful in determining how I'll display it at home to tempt the other readers in the family.
The blurb--he blurts out--always the blurb.

Most bookstores I go into have the books displayed with the spine facing out(except for new releases on that rack),

I usually look first for something or someone new and then slip the book out and look at the blurb.

If the blurb is good I read the first couple of pages and if that's good...I eventually notice them turning the lights out and realize I' m not in the library.

I follow similar practice on line and I've only once or twice had amazon disappoint me with no sample.

That much said, a good cover is helpful in determining how I'll display it at home to tempt the other readers in the family.

Cover, then the blurb.

A great cover hooks then the blurb reels you in.

Ooops I meant - do you have an example of an urban fantasy cover and/or blurb that really drew you in?
This one here::
Silver Borne (Mercy Thompson) eBook: Patricia Briggs: Amazon.co.uk: Kindle Store
The cover screamed out. "You don't want to read this."
(But that might just be me.)
The Blur ala amazon wasn't a lot of help, but just enough to get me to read the sample. The sample is what did it for me. (I have to be fair though that I'm not sure everyone would be happy with the sample.) The first paragraph is not one of those we try so hard to make while doing critique work here. It is more character driven (description and building) which is how I like my fiction.

I think it qualifies as urban fantasy; but you can correct me if I'm wrong.
