2.05: Fear The Walking Dead - Captive


weaver of the unseen
Aug 21, 2007

Ofelia and Daniel Salazar (Photo by Peter Lovino/AMC)

Alicia works toward reuniting with her family; Travis comes across a familiar face; Madison and Nick try to save their family against all odds.

Redeemed: Alicia, Nick and Daniel

Main Characters on the kill-list: Madison, Travis, Chris, Ofelia and Strand

Side Characters on the kill-list: Alex, Jake and Luis (Thomas Abigail's Personal Assistant)
I made a cock-up by redeeming Alicia, while I meant it be Madison because in the past episodes she has shown consistency of being able to sort things out and generally survive in this world. Alicia in the other hand, she still has to prove herself as I for one thought she was being rude on not touching food on the plate. The end of the world has arrived and there's no going back to what was normal.

Hunger and starvation affects not only alive people, but also the dead. They, in fact, cannot stop feeling that hunger and in the TWD we have seen the evidence that they'll eat anything they can catch into their fingers. Hence it would be best that someone would realise the value of chain mail, because I cannot imagine what kind of walker would be able to chew through steel links?

Jaws from James Bond probably, but there are no Jaws in this world. Just bad people.

I'm afraid Chris is becoming one. If you look closely last episode, you see he was the one that stabbed Reed as soon as he was freed. Not only that but he wanted to stay, when Daniel tortured Reed almost looking as if he was secretly enjoying the view. Maybe he's hiding inside him psychopathic feelings?

Is that a good thing? Can slaughtering endless numbers of dead people satisfy his blood lust? Note that I want you to disagree with me, because I would love to be proven wrong in this case. Chris isn't Carl from TWD. He isn't even Madison's son, which could explain some of things.

Madison however is proving more and more that she has redeemed her name. She doesn't take sh*t from Luis begging her to head south. All she wants is to have her family safe. Just like any mother would do. But not every mother would have an ability to commandeer a crew and commit a plan that borders military tactics. I could even claim she harbouring an inner tactician under her skin.

Maybe that is what you need to be able to be a successful Guidance Councillor?

What surprised me was Alex spotting Travis' dark side before he made a confession and revealed that he'd seen that same thing inside Chris. Only that won't help his son as there's no Chris will take pacifism from his old man, and say no to something that is a vital thing, in order to survive in this world. And that opens another question: How far Chris will go, while he follows his blood lust?
Mercedes Mason (Ofelia) on the episode and more:

First of all, I talked to you about this a few weeks ago but it seems even more prominent of a possibility than it was back then. Ophelia and Nick? What's going on there?

There could be something stirring up. I'm obviously not allowed to tell you exactly what's gonna happen but I think they're close in age, they're sort of of the same mind set, they have the same view of the world, and I think Nick is showing some interest by helping her out. She's always had her family there before so it's the first time somebody from outside world is showing her kindness, especially at a time where she really needs that. She's lost her mom, she's physically hurt because of the bullet wound, she doesn't trust her dad, and Nick is the only one who without asking has catered to her. He brought her her rosaries and got antibiotics for her when he was out on a scout and finds clothes for her. He's really gone above and beyond to show that he's potentially interested so we'll see how that progresses. Obviously, it's only been a few weeks that they've known each other so I wouldn't want them to jump into anything too soon. I think there might be something on the horizon there.

Plus, there really aren't that many other people to choose from.

No, exactly! [Laughs]


Now that the group has Travis and Alicia back, they're heading off somewhere. Where are they going? What can you tease?

We keep trying to figure out if there's a safe harbor anywhere because we know we can't survive on the boat exclusively for too long. The mission is to go save them and once get them, we have to find a safe place because it's been proven now. We're like a beacon in the night and everybody is gonna come after us. So, that's the next step: see where Strand is leading us. He seems to be really leading us somewhere particular and we'll learn about that as it comes along but we're sort of pawns in his game. His boat. We can't do anything opposing him so we're just along for the ride. We don't know where we're going but it seems like Strand has a very clear destination for us. I think that will e clear episode six.

Do you trust Strand?

Ophelia doesn't trust Strand. I don't think so. Not at all. She hasn't really spoken to him or done anything with him at all. Her father doesn't trust him at all and Daniel's been pretty much right about everyone thus far. But also, Strand is mysterious and secretive and Ophelia is an observer. She can figure people out for the most part and what their motivations are with Travis and Madison and Nick and Alicia but not with Strand so she's purposely kept her distance from him. You notice, even the few interactions, like when their at the helm of the boat and they're trying to figure out where to go because they know that San Diego is no longer safe, she's very short with him.

By the end of Sunday's episode, it looks like everyone is starting to adapt to this world. Do you think Ophelia will get on board and possibly actually kill someone?

I think so. Here's the thing: what we're going to start finding out about Ophelia is everybody has a past life. We're gonna start delving into that as we proceed with the episodes and Ophelia, like everybody else, may not be what she seems. She may not have been as innocent as she originally portrayed and as she has been portraying to her parents. She wanted to be a good girl. She's not a 12-year-old so she may have had a life that they weren't exactly aware of. She alludes to that when she's on the boat with Chris and says, "I went to Catholic school K through 12 but I definitely made some bad decisions." She seems to think back on them fondly. I think Ophelia is a lot stronger than she lets on. I think in life, when you have nothing else to lose, that forces you to develop different strengths and what else has she to lose, really? She doesn't trust her father, she's lost her mom, the world's fallen apart... So, I think it's gonna become the catalyst for her standing on her own two feet and her becoming who she is and hasn't shown her family before.


Would you say there's a big cliffhanger coming with the midseason finale in a couple of weeks?

100%! Yup! I don't know if it's even a cliffhanger or it's more of just a jaw drop. Like, "Did that seriously just happen?" When we read it, we all called each other, e-mailed each other, however we get a hold of each other and were like, "Oh, my God! Did you read it? Did you read it?" because we couldn't wrap our heads around it. I can't wait! I'm dying to tell you everything but I'm pretty sure Negan will show up at my house.
Mercedes Mason Recaps And Previews Fear The Walking Dead
I agree that Chris is letting his dark side get the best of him. Is it a way to cope with the loss of his mother, or has a world in which murder no longer holds consequences simply freed his natural psychopathic tendencies?

I don't think anyone bought his claim that Reed was going to turn. Reed had plenty of energy for non-stop trash talk, which might explain why Chris appeared to have shot him in the mouth.

Daniel, again the quickest to adapt to the changed situation, immediately realizing that a re-animated Reed had regained his value as a bargaining chip for Travis and Alicia. Just put a bag over his head, which seemed to be standard operating procedure, despite that fact that everyone knew where they were and where they were going.

Connor, despite his leadership skills, had apparently not yet developed a healthy respect for walkers, or he would not so easily have fallen prey to his late brother when the bag came off. I wonder of Alex will step into the power vacuum created by Connor's demise?
I wonder of Alex will step into the power vacuum created by Connor's demise?

I didn't think Alex was really pissed off. She was bitter on getting dumped in middle of the sea, and wanted to clear her chest from all ill feelings. I personally would prefer to see her getting into Strand's boat than staying with Connor's people. If a hoard comes to their wharf compound, where they can go? Sea is much better idea than staying on land, especially if you have a large boat. Preferably a military model with a helicopter landing pad so that you can possible utilize that space to grow stuff from seeds.
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Didn't much like this episode, really upped the idiot quota.

  • Why did anyone leave Chris alone with Reed, it was obvious he was going to do something.
  • Initially liked the idea of re-using Reed but really, what sort of plan was that? Amazing how the walker suddenly went all quiet when they got within talking distance, can't really believe that this Connor would not twig...
  • Talking of Connor and his gang, where the hell were the rest of them. So it was just 2 men with Connor, the one with Alicia and the pregnant woman. Wasn't exactly much of a threat after all...
Why did anyone leave Chris alone with Reed, it was obvious he was going to do something.

Obvious to us. Not to them. Same thing that happened with Carl guarding Hershel in the season two, where the runner came through the bushes and Carl shot him without feeling a remorse. So, in that regards, brilliant acting and well written play, which showed the audience how Chris really is, instead of leaving us wondering did Travis shovelled loads of bulls1h+ on Alex direction.

Talking of Connor and his gang, where the hell were the rest of them. So it was just 2 men with Connor, the one with Alicia and the pregnant woman. Wasn't exactly much of a threat after all...

No it wasn't, but that's the thing. We have no information about Connor's true strength, only an assumption that it was more then ten, less then twenty. Also from seeing how they handled the boat operation, it spoke in loud voice about how amateurs they were in the job. I doubt they have any marines in the roster, or things would have gone down very differently.
I quite enjoyed this too. I think if I analysed like you all have then I would have to agree that they made stupid decisions, but that is life, really.
Just put a bag over his head, which seemed to be standard operating procedure, despite that fact that everyone knew where they were and where they were going.
That was the only thing that threw me. When they put a bag on his head, I thought, that won't work, they'll be suspicious of the reason. The next shot was Travis with an identical bag over his head. I thought they must have both read the same hostage exchanging book.
Obvious to us. Not to them. Same thing that happened with Carl guarding Hershel in the season two, where the runner came through the bushes and Carl shot him without feeling a remorse. So, in that regards, brilliant acting and well written play, which showed the audience how Chris really is, instead of leaving us wondering did Travis shovelled loads of bulls1h+ on Alex direction.

Daniel definitely had an inkling, and even Nick knew something was up with Chris. He was clearly upset about stuff and I think Daniel left him there knowing he might do something, but hoping to exert his authority over Chris as a power play ('Do not engage').

That was the only thing that threw me. When they put a bag on his head, I thought, that won't work, they'll be suspicious of the reason. The next shot was Travis with an identical bag over his head. I thought they must have both read the same hostage exchanging book.

Could understand the bag over the zombies head, otherwise gives the game away pretty much straight away - although it must have also been a soundproof bag to stop the blatant zombie moans. For Travis, who knows why they bagged him, at least it's good to know that even during the zombie apocalypse there's no shortage of kidnapper's head bags. Where do they get these bags from anyway, Ransoms'r'us?
Daniel might have been hoping that Chris would take action. Reed had announced his plans for Ofelia after he was freed.
Becoming a zombie didn't significantly lower Reed's IQ.
A very entertaining episode and proving the show is worth watching, except that the amusing hostage exchange and Alicia's escape went way too easily. Not even an injury. It is ages since anyone important to this group of characters has been killed. Is it lulling us into a false sense of optimism for the group or is the show taking a different tact to The Walking Dead. I suspect in this series it will tend to be someone like Strand and his companion who are killed as they are not in either of the two main families.
I would expect that Alycia will have some significant roles in Hollywood in the years to come. Definitely has the star look. Probably Frank Dillane (Nicholas) too.
Alicia's escape went way too easily. Not even an injury.

Yeah. It was way too easy. But I was scared for a minute that when she dropped on water that she would have pierced herself to something stuck under water. It was very irresponsible for her to go off like that. Alicia could have kicked Jack in the bollocks and then ran down the stairs. This way however they got off easily and didn't had to wait for Connor to call for a murder.
One question, does American's get tetanus shots automatically in their healthcare system? Or do you have to ask for it? The question is because they've been in many places, where they could have scraped their skin and risked getting that horrible disease.
Yeah. It was way too easy. But I was scared for a minute that when she dropped on water that she would have pierced herself to something stuck under water. It was very irresponsible for her to go off like that. Alicia could have kicked Jack in the bollocks and then ran down the stairs. This way however they got off easily and didn't had to wait for Connor to call for a murder.

I did wonder for a second that she might have not realised that the dry dock the boat was on extended around it and she would just land on the concrete, breaking or injuring her legs...
I thought this episode was really contrived.

The fact that Connor and the random redshirt managed to get bitten by a walker was just too much, I put myself in the Redshirts poition - he was doing nothing for about 15 seconds while Connor was getting eaten.... then proceeded to let Reed eat him as well.

They are really pushing the believability with this show at the moment and far too many plots just don't ring true for me.

I think Strand, Nick and Daniel are the best stand out characters. I could take or leave the rest.

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