John Thiel III
I'm sitting with a south shoe.
I had to leave "The Left Hand of Darkness" way back when I was in college, it was required reading for my science fiction literary course. I was highly there in class discussions of the book, because, as I mentioned to the teacher of the course, I wanted to sound out how my views on the book took if I was going to be able to get good grades on my test. That's when the teacher started to talk about how indirect the book was. Finally he said, "There's never been another like it." I said, "Yes there was" and mentioned Chad Oliver's "Blood's a Rover" that was in, I think, the Groff Conklin anthology "Operation Future", or one of the Conklin anthologies, anyway. The title was considered inexplicable in that course. I offered, "Genli Ai might have said, "Gen'ly I shake with my left" and had them all wondering if the author really had this word play in mind. "It shows you've read it word for word," the teacher said. "I'd give you an A on that, if it was the only thing I was grading."