K. Riehl
A collector with parents who collect! I don't seem to run into that very often.
My parents collected a wide range. 200+ on the Maya, 100+ on birds, 500+ on Geology and Engineering with an emphasis on ancient texts. 1000+ Mysteries. 200+ on vintage cars. 400+ History. 200+ Science Fiction. 400+ on the Oregon trail. 200+ Biographies.
Some of the titles they will retain are 20 or so Mark Twain 1sts, A complete set of Josephine Tey in 1st( I gave these to my Mom over 10 years of acquisitions). A Herbert Hoover translated and signed De Re Metallica. A first edition set of Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas and Yucatán, Vols. 1 & 2. A large folio printing of the History of the MG signed by Phil Hill, Jackie Stewart, and Mario Andretti( They got this signed while attending the Pebble Beach Concours). I found a rare treasure for my father, a complete set of bound blueprints of every working mine in the Continental US from 1880 to 1960. It was compiled by the US Government and I found it in a dumpster dive in Fresno California in the early 80's. He loved bringing these to Geology conventions. People would be 3 deep at his table to look at the history of the mines they worked in as young men.
It will be a challenge as this will double my collection size but I probably will retain the best 20%.
I love books!