The Fourth Reich - Head of the Snake by Gary Compton

Gary Compton

I miss you, wor kid.
Jul 8, 2007
Well I started researching and writing the Fourth Reich 10 years ago. I must have written a million words and ended up with 100K

I must thank Jim Burns for this amazing piece of art. You nailed it, Jim. Also all the editors over the years, lately the beta readers and Siobhan Marshall-Jones for a wonderful edit.

If anyone is interested - this splendid piece of art depicts the entrance to Germania. This is all I will tell you. Buy the book for the full story.

The Fourth Reich3-small.jpg
Intriguing. The presence of both swastika and EU flag on the cover makes me wonder if the plot will contain an element of the recent upsurge in far-right support in Europe (or perhaps the EU is a front for the Nazis....:D)

When's it due out?
Looking forward to seeing the finished product Gary. To anyone thinking of getting this when it's out, do it. I read a version last fall and was very impressed with the story Gary wove, and with his writing chops.
Thanks Ratsy. Firs person protagonist gone and lots of improvements. It's been edited by Siobhan Marshall-Jones. (formally Simon)
Cool. Looking forward to reading the new version. Best of luck!

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