Anonymous Rex - Eric Garcia

The Master™

Science fiction fantasy
Apr 7, 2004

Anyone read this book or the subsequent prequel, Casual Rex???

They recently made it into a one-off TV special... Which was a little dull... Contained a Baldwin brother, Isaac Hayes and Faye Dunaway... If anyone has read the book, would love to hear if it is any good... :D
Didn't realise it was sourced from a novel.
I watched the tv programme yesterday and found it to be too similar to Alien Nation for me to really get into. Plus I found Faye Dunaway irritating & Baldwin clone #3 more so

To completely change the subject - there's a NZ film being made (Perfect Creature) with the premise that vampires are real and accepted with a couple of cops investigating a case, 1 vampire & 1 human.
Sounds intriguing
Sounds a lot like Innocent Blood (American Cop and French Vamp) and The Breed (Human Cop and Vamp Cop)...

Also a bit like Kindred: The Masquerade, a cop finds out that Vampires are real and that his partner is one... :D

And let us not forget that it also sounds like Forever Knight... :D

So, don't think they are pushing the envelope there... ;)
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I read both Anonymous Rex and Casual Rex and enjoyed the heck out of them. They didn't translate well at all to the screen - I thought the show was dull and didn't even finish watching the first one. And of course they changed some of the major plot points to something completely different for some strange reason. I don't know if the people who create these shows are just out of touch or if their sample audiences are just off their rockers...

Just an aside, I loved Forever Knight. It was a good concept.

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