Piltdown Hoax - Prime Suspect


Shropshire, U.K.
Feb 13, 2006
Shropshire, U.K.
Over 50 years after the Piltdown Man remains were exposed as fake, scientists have put amateur antiquarian and solicitor Charles Dawson in the frame

Forensic examination reveals identity of Piltdown hoax prime suspect

Crime scene investigators have revisited the greatest scientific hoax of the 20th century and named the prime suspect.

Last man standing in the line-up of citizens under suspicion for the notorious Piltdown fraud – the faked discovery of fossil evidence of an early human species, which misled anthropologists for almost 40 years – is an amateur antiquarian and country solicitor called Charles Dawson.

I've always been fascinated by the Piltdown hoax. I remember it being in the news in 1953 when the hoax was revealed. The pictures of skulls in the newspaper was a bit 'spooky' for want of a better word. I was seven at the time.
An ape jawbone fitted to a human skull . Im a bit surprised that the hoax wasn't spotted when it was first discovered .

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