(Probably Found) Trying to identify a sci-fi book

alan bertrand

New Member
Aug 15, 2016
in the mid seventies i read a pulpy paperback story of the far future where humans were blended with animals, so were part lion or tiger etc. royal families ruled parts of the galaxy and the main character was called something like 'adam 25'. i believe they were also clones and the numbers told what generation they were. the cover had biblical references like 'number of the beast' or 'mark of cain'. ring any bells?
Maybe Cordwainer Smith - The Dead lady of Clown Town or another of the Instrumentality series.
hi james, thanks so much for the suggestion, sadly it's not the answer i'm looking for but i appreciate the input! cheers, alan.
It does sound like a Cordwainer Smith story though, Maybe Norstrilia ? Have you looked at his Wiki page alan bertrand ? it may jog your memory.
I had thought C'Mel at first glance, but the Instrumentality of Man created the underpeople from animal stock - not bred with them. But the lords live so long that there aren't noble families, as such; no royalty.
