2.14: Fear The Walking Dead - Wrath


weaver of the unseen
Aug 21, 2007

Madison struggles with Travis's return.

Redeemed: Nick, Daniel, Madison, Strand, Alicia, Ofelia and Travis

Main Characters on the kill-list: Chris

MIA: Daniel
"There is no more good. There is no more bad. This is how it is." - Chris

It's interesting that Ofelia chose to on her own into wilderness. It's a risky manouver that I wouldn't recommend anyone at the zombie apocalypse. Not, if you don't know how to move among the dead safely. If you get in a trouble, nobody's going to save you. You're on your own.

No second chances.

Not like the one Travis got, when Madison allowed him to step into the hotel. He was broken, when we saw him in the hills and he was no better afterwards. A civilised man would have taken a shower, get a meal and be done with it. Not him.

Instead he was harbouring guilt within his chest. A pain that couldn't be taken away. Just like it was with Strand after he'd lost his love. That same thing happened to Rick and whole lot of other people. But I didn't ever thought, he would be in the kill-list, like it was said.

Nobody's safe.

Nick, of all people have somehow understood that. It is as if he's playing by his intuition, and doing the right from the beginning. Maybe he's an image of his father. One, who could have survived in any situation as long as it had a meaning.

Marco has the people and the means to take out any survivor location he can find. But he doesn't have the numbers to survive the horde that's going to follow the event of hundreds survivors, casting out the American teens.

Not in the long run. Tijuana's population used to be around 1.31 million.

You don't have the a genius to understand that causing a ruckus equivalent of a rock concert, you're going to be noticed, by many dead. It just people doesn't understand that when the rage comes from deep hatred. Nobody understand the hell of living inside swamped streets than those who have been trapped inside one.

There really aren't that many people left in the world. And that is what makes Kirkman's world so appealing to me. It has darkness wrapped in a believable reality.

Travis just couldn't believe the cover story. He knew from his own darkness how far Chris was willing to go down that easily. It was the psycopath in him that won the day. No more pacifist. No more holding back the darkness.

The boys had to go. But what we don't know, if this is his signature MO.

So I will drop him back in the kill-list.
Yes Travis should remain on the kill list for now. Although I can't think of many in either series who would kill unarmed with such brutality( not counting Negan), didn't think Travis had it in him. His rage could be a liability.

Good to see that Nick will dispose of dead when needed.
Now that was damned impressive 'losing it' by Travis. Romper Stomper!
Travis had previously showed his dark side in the first season, when he nearly beat that soldier boy to death. He didn't stop at "nearly" this time, although I found it a little unrealistic that nobody broke the glass to get in and end the fight before he finished that pair.
Strand (by far the brightest member if the group) had read Travis correctly when he advised Madison not to take away his hope that Chris was still alive. She again proved that she was not cut out to be a leader by the noisy way she handled the situation, alerting Travis to presence of his late son's "buddies."
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Travis had previously showed his dark side in the first season, when he nearly beat that soldier boy to death. He didn't stop at "nearly" this time, although I found it a little unrealistic that nobody broke the glass to get in and end the fight before he finished that pair.

I don't think anyone had balls to go in to calm down a raging psycho. Still, thanks for reminding me about that incident and confirming MO. In first time, the victim didn't die, but this time he locked people away, before he let the darkness out. The trigger seems to be in the extreme stress, one might go through this time, so this hardly is going to be the last one.

What we don't know can Travis survive being trapped inside the horde and having that rage pulsing through his veins. He might not even notice someone biting him. So, if he has brains to understand that in that situation he needs to be protected, we might see him surviving at North.

Strand (by far the brightest member if the group) had read Travis correctly when he advised Madison not to take away his hope that Chris was still alive. She again proved that she was not cut out to be a leader by the noisy way she handled the situation, alerting Travis to presence of his late son's "buddies."

Travis made his choice by staying behind. He still have to survive the horde coming in his neighbourhood.
There really aren't that many people left in the world. And that is what makes Kirkman's world so appealing to me. It has darkness wrapped in a believable reality
And in the darkness, Kirkman keeps pounding home the message that the biggest threat to people is people. As entertaining as his world is, it's a sad commentary on Humanity.
When family, friends, co-workers etc talk about soaps, reality TV my eyes glaze over and I think get a life read a book do something useful, I am not remotely interested in the dramas of the soap nor could I care less who gets chucked out or wins a reality TV show.

Then it dawned on me, I have obsessed for the last few months on who was the victim of the bat, what are Rick and his group going to do next, can they beat Negan? and all manner of other TWD related questions.

Now fear has ended, I'm speculating is Chris really dead? Can Nick survive ? Will Maddison be reunited with her son?

I'm a TV addict :eek::eek::eek:

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