What Happened to High Fantasy?


Sep 7, 2016
The mysterious wasteland of Florida
Does anyone have any suggestions for epic high fantasy to read. I have been reading some enjoyable books recently, but I find that many new books don't have the depth I am looking for. I mean Tolkien-like depth. I want a unique world with lots of a magic and a rich history. It seems like there is not as much of this floating around. Does anyone write/read this type of book series still?
Have you tried Steven Erikson's Malazan series? The world has great depth, tons of magic and as much history as anyone can cope with. I found I'd had enough after seven books, but they have many committed fans, and I'd say they're definitely worth a try. If you like them, you're set for months.

ETA: I would add, though, they're not very Tolkien-like, being very gritty in parts.
