

Ziggy Wigwag
Staff member
Oct 13, 2008
West Sussex, UK
Has anyone else read this stunning prehistoric graphic novel by Ben Haggarty and Adam Brockback? According to the site search, it's only been mentioned three times, and not since 2013. It has wonderful storytelling and beautiful art, and along with its sequel (just out) is probably my favourite graphic novel of all time, Nausicaa included.

(I have no financial interest in it, BTW. I just want more people to buy/read it so there'll be a book 3!)
I had this in my watch list on comixology - sadly when it comes to comics if its not DC or Marvel it seems nearly impossible for them to get their heads up into mainstream attention; despite there being some absolute gems. If you're saying its up there with Nausicaa then I might just have to advance this up through my to purchase and read list and give it a go!
Well, you had me at the Nausicaa comparison; wish-listed at Amazon, and I'm preparing now a series of casual hints to drop against my wife between now and my birthday. :)