Please help me with these two titles: man in the moon murdered and an under ocean murder by crabs


New Member
Dec 13, 2016
Read a book in the 1980s which was a short story collection. The stories I remember a man is on the moon looking after a herd of sheep like creatures but the loneliness drives him mad and he ends up killing some of the creatures who retaliate and kill him.

The second story is of a similar plot. A man farms some sort of Crab like crustaceans and these creatures find a way into his underwater home seeking revenge.

The last one I remember is about huge flies which these young cadets who are learning to ride them.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The first one you've asked has been on another site..

"Old MacDonald had a Space Farm
" but author's name unclear :)
wow by (Old MacDonald had a space farm by M. S. Goodall - a isolated farmer of Wrigglets goes mad with loneliness.) okeedokee cheers my apologies started thinking early april fools for a moment
Don't think this really matters. OP hasn't been on for a year.
Still it's handy info for anyone else with the same question :)
Yep. I love Resnick's Old MacDonald Had A Farm (and Resnick for that matter), but those animals never killed anything unless they stepped on an ant. Just not related.
The narrator and some others on tour heard these raised-for-meat factory-farmed animals asking far more intelligent questions than the factory farm owner admitted; the narrator went vegetarian.
Like, he was one of those who Walked Away From Omelas.

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