Pearson to sell stake in Penguin Random House

Brian G Turner

Fantasist & Futurist
Staff member
Nov 23, 2002
Pearson are looking to sell their share of Penguin-Random House, the world's largest publisher:
Books world alarmed by Pearson's sale of stake in Penguin Random House

More here:
Pearson to Sell Stake in Penguin Random House

At the Passive Voice blog, the owner wryly notes:
Pearson to Sell Stake in Penguin Random House | The Passive Voice | A Lawyer's Thoughts on Authors, Self-Publishing and Traditional Publishing

a. Pearson is having big problems in the educational publishing market.

b. Pearson has decided to get out of the trade publishing market.

c. Pearson plans to stay in the educational publishing market


when one owner of the largest trade publisher in the world wants to sell out and the other owner isn’t particularly anxious to buy, what does that tell us about what smart money thinks about the future of trade publishing?

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